A good technique for mastering these spelling words is to write each one five times and then have a friend ask you to spell them aloud. Note the clues to correct spelling.
- Access: akses, mengakses
- Acme: puncak, kemuncak
- Acquainted: mengenal, akrab
- Adroit: cekatan, terampil
- Alleged: diduga, yang dituduhkan
- Ascend: naik, mendaki
- Asset: aset, kekayaan
- Barrel: tong, barel
- Benefited: diuntungkan, mendapat manfaat
- Bias: prasangka, kecenderungan
- Bigot: fanatik, orang yang mempunyai pandangan sempit
The Ascent of the Bigot
In the heart of the bustling metropolis, a young man named Alex ascended the corporate ladder with adroit skill. He was acquainted with the right people, had access to the most exclusive circles, and possessed an asset of unparalleled ambition.
His rise to power was alleged to be the result of his exceptional talent and hard work, but some whispered of bias and favoritism. Others claimed he had coerced his way to the acme of success, using his position to benefit himself and his cronies.
He was a bigot at heart, harboring a bias against those who didn’t share his views. He saw the world as a battlefield, where only the strongest survived. He believed in the colossal power of wealth and influence, and would stop at nothing to accumulate more.
He was a cache of secrets, a cemetery of buried truths. He was changeable and unpredictable, his alliances shifting like sand dunes in the wind. He was a master of the circuit, navigating the complex web of power and influence with ease.
He had concurred with the darkest forces in the city, forming a coup that would shake the very foundations of society. And as he stood at the pinnacle of his power, he looked down upon the world with a cold, calculating gaze, ready to unleash his reign of terror.
- Cache: simpanan, penyimpanan
- Cemetery: pemakaman, kuburan
- Changeable: dapat berubah, mudah berubah
- Circuit: sirkuit, rangkaian
- Coerce: memaksa, memeras
- Colossal: besar sekali, raksasa
- Concur: setuju, sependapat
- Cope: mengatasi, menangani
- Coup: kudeta, perebutan kekuasaan
The Coup of the Cache
In the heart of the bustling metropolis, a cache of secrets was discovered. It was a cemetery of buried truths, a treasure trove of information that could topple the very foundations of society.
The man who discovered the cache was a young journalist named Alex. He was a changeable man, his alliances shifting like sand dunes in the wind. But he was also a man of principle, a journalist who believed in the power of the truth.
Alex knew that the information in the cache was colossal in importance. It could expose corruption, bring down powerful individuals, and even lead to a coup. But he also knew that revealing the truth would be dangerous.
He reached out to a group of like-minded individuals, people who were willing to risk everything for the sake of justice. Together, they formed a circuit of resistance, a secret society dedicated to exposing the truth.
They knew that the powerful would try to coerce them into silence, to force them to concur with their lies. But they were determined to cope with the challenges ahead, to face the dangers that lay in wait.
And so, they began to spread the word, to reveal the secrets that had been hidden for so long. The city was thrown into chaos, as the powerful scrambled to protect their interests. A coup was imminent, a revolution that would change the course of history.
Alex and his comrades stood at the forefront of this revolution, their courage and determination inspiring others to fight for a better future. They were the heroes of their time, the ones who dared to challenge the status quo and expose the truth.
- Dearth: kekurangan, kelangkaan
- Debris: puing-puing, reruntuhan
- Defendant: terdakwa, pihak tergugat
- Devout: saleh, taat
- Diphtheria: difteri, penyakit infeksi saluran pernapasan atas
- Discern: membedakan, mengenali
- Dismissal: pemecatan, pengusiran
- Dissent: keberatan, bantahan
- Dupe: tertipu, bodoh
- Elapse: berlalu, scara waktu
- Embarrass: memalukan, menyudutkan
- Existence: keberadaan, eksistensi
- Exult: bersukacita, bergembira
The Labyrinth of Life
In the heart of a medieval city, a frail old man named Thomas lived a frugal existence. He was a devout man, often lost in prayer, seeking solace in the lamentable state of his life.
One day, a plague swept through the city, leaving a trail of dearth and debris in its wake. Thomas, a junior member of the city council, was tasked with leading the relief efforts. Despite his puny stature, he showed remarkable courage and laudable leadership skills.
However, the defendant in a fatal accident claimed that the city was liable for the tragedy. The superintendent of the police force was accused of harassing the witness and seizing evidence. The lieutenant in charge of the investigation was irate and lax in his duties, allowing the defendant to forfeit his bail and disappear.
The city was in chaos. Noise and dissent filled the streets. The mayor, a racist and a bigot, was ousted from office after a vigil was held in protest of his inane policies.
A questionnaire was sent out to the citizens, asking for their input on the city’s problems. The results were alarming, revealing a deep-seated distrust of the government.
Meanwhile, a hoax about a hoard of gold buried beneath the city square caused a surge in amateur treasure hunters. The police were forced to quell the chaos, using tear gas and water cannons.
In the midst of all this, a senior citizen named Emily was labeled as a witch and accused of casting a spell on the city. She was tried and found guilty, sentenced to be burned at the stake. A legion of citizens gathered to witness the execution, but a lightning bolt struck the pyre, saving Emily’s life.
As the city slowly began to recover, the citizens realized that they must work together to surpass the challenges they faced. They must discern the truth from the lies, and yield to the power of unity and compassion.
- Fatal: fatal, mematikan
- Forfeit: kehilangan, dikorbankan
- Frail: lemah, rapuh
- Frugal: hemat, cermat
- Fulfill: memenuhi, menepati
- Grammar: tata bahasa, tata bahasa suatu bahasa
- Guarantee: jaminan, menjamin
- Harass: mengganggu, melecehkan
- Hoard: menimbun, mengumpulkan
- Hoax: bohong, penipuan
- Hosiery: kaus kaki, stoking
- Inane: bodoh, tak berguna
- Indispensable: sangat penting, mutlak diperlukan
- Irate: marah sekali, sangat kesal
The Fatal Hoax
In the heart of the bustling city, a fatal accident occurred. The defendant, a frugal man named Thomas, was accused of causing the collision. He claimed it was a hoax, a lie spread by those who wished to harass him.
Thomas was irate at the inane accusations. He insisted he had done nothing wrong, that he had fulfilled all his obligations. But the evidence against him was indispensable. He was forced to forfeit his bail and await his trial.
As the days turned into weeks, Thomas became increasingly anxious. He feared he would be found guilty and sentenced to a life behind bars. He began to doubt his own innocence, wondering if he had somehow been involved.
The trial was a grueling ordeal. The prosecution presented a mountain of evidence against Thomas, while the defense struggled to guarantee his acquittal. The jury deliberated for hours, but ultimately, they found Thomas guilty.
As the judge read the sentence, Thomas’s heart sank. He was sentenced to life in prison, his dreams of freedom shattered. He felt a deep sense of despair, wondering if he would ever see the light of day again.
- Jewelry: perhiasan, perhiasan emas
- Junior: lebih muda, yang lebih rendah
- Labeled: diberi label, diberi tanda
- Laudable: patut dipuji, baik sekali
- Lax: longgar, lemas
- License: lisensi, izin
- Lieutenant: letnan, perwira muda
- Lightning: kilat, petir
- Legion: legiun, pasukan besar
- Lethal: mematikan, berbahaya
- Liable: bertanggung jawab, berpotensi
- Medieval: abad pertengahan, zaman kegelapan
- Mortgage: hipotek, gadai
- Naive: naive, polos
- Noise: kebisingan, bunyi-bunyian
The Medieval Mayhem
In the heart of a medieval city, a young junior named Alex was tasked with guarding the royal jewelry. Despite his naive nature, he took his duties very seriously.
One stormy night, a legion of thieves stormed the palace. They were armed with lethal weapons and determined to steal the jewelry. Alex, armed only with a sword, bravely faced the intruders.
A bolt of lightning struck the castle, illuminating the scene. The thieves, blinded by the sudden light, were easily defeated by Alex. He was hailed as a hero, his bravery lauded throughout the kingdom.
However, the king, a lax ruler, was more concerned with his own pleasures than the security of his kingdom. He dismissed Alex’s heroic actions and refused to reward him for his bravery.
Alex, feeling betrayed, decided to leave the kingdom. He traveled far and wide, his reputation as a brave warrior preceding him. He eventually settled in a small village, where he used his skills to protect the villagers from noises and threats.
Years later, the king, now old and senile, realized his mistake. He sent for Alex, begging him to return and serve as his lieutenant. Alex, however, refused. He had found peace in his new life and had no desire to return to the corrupt court of the king.
- Occasionally: kadang-kadang, sesekali
- Oust: menggulingkan, menyingkirkan
- Pamphlet: pamflet, brosur
- Parallel: sejajar, sejalan
- Perceive: memahami, menyadari
- Personnel: personil, karyawan
- Phlegm: dahak, lendir
- Picnicking: piknik, berkumpul di luar ruangan
- Plague: wabah, penyakit menular
- Possession: kepemilikan, milik
- Procedure: prosedur, tata cara
- Puny: kecil, lemah
The Plague of the Puny
In the heart of a bustling metropolis, a plague of a different kind had descended upon the city. It wasn’t a disease that ravaged the body, but a plague of puny minds, a parallel universe of ignorance and arrogance.
The city was filled with personnel who were occasionally more concerned with their possessions than the well-being of others. They were quick to oust anyone who dared to perceive things differently, their minds clouded by a thick layer of phlegm.
Pamphlets were distributed, filled with inane ideas and procedure-heavy jargon. The city was overrun by a legion of puny minds, their thoughts as shallow as a puddle after a summer rain.
The plague of puny minds was a threat to the city’s progress. It stifled innovation, discouraged creativity, and left the city’s future in jeopardy. It was a time when the puny ruled, when ignorance was celebrated and intelligence was ridiculed.
- Questionnaire: kuesioner, daftar pertanyaan
- Quell: meredakan, menenangkan
- Racist: rasisme, diskriminasi ras
- Raze: meratakan, menghancurkan
- Realm: wilayah, kerajaan
- Remembrance: kenangan, pengingat
- Rue: menyesal, menangisi
The Realm of Remembrance
In a world ravaged by war, a racist regime had risen to power. They razed entire villages, leaving behind only debris and despair. A questionnaire was distributed, demanding absolute loyalty and obedience. Those who dissent were labeled as traitors and ousted from their homes.
A young woman named Anya, driven by a deep sense of remembrance for her lost family, refused to yield to the regime’s demands. She joined a secret resistance movement, determined to quell the tyranny that had gripped her nation.
Anya’s courage inspired others to stand up against the oppressors. Together, they formed a legion of resistance fighters, their hearts filled with a burning desire for freedom. They fought bravely, their laudible actions giving hope to a nation on the brink of despair.
In the end, the resistance movement prevailed. The racist regime was overthrown, and a new era of peace and justice dawned. Anya, hailed as a hero, became a symbol of hope for generations to come. Her remembrance of the past had helped to shape a brighter future.
- Scissors: gunting, gunting kertas
- Seize: merebut, menangkap
- Senile: pikun, lemah ingatan
- Senior: senior, tua
- Sergeant: sersan, perwira rendah
- Siege: pengepungan, blokade
- Sophomore: mahasiswa tingkat dua, siswa kelas dua
- Source: sumber, asal
- Sulphur: belerang, sulfur
- Superintendent: kepala sekolah, pengawas
- Surge: lonjakan, gelombang
- Surpass: melampaui, melebihi
The Siege of the Sophomore
In the heart of a bustling metropolis, a senior citizen named Harold found himself embroiled in a most unusual predicament. He was accused of seizing a priceless artifact from the city’s renowned museum. The evidence was damning: a pair of antique scissors had been found in his possession.
Harold, a sophomore in the grand scheme of life, was bewildered by the accusation. He was a gentle man, a lover of history, not a thief. He insisted he had merely admired the artifact, never intending to steal it.
A surge of public opinion turned against Harold, his reputation tarnished. The city’s superintendent of police was under immense pressure to solve the case, and he was determined to prove Harold’s guilt.
A siege was laid upon Harold’s home, the police surrounding the building, their weapons drawn. Harold, fearing for his safety, barricaded himself inside. Hours turned into days as the standoff continued.
Meanwhile, a young detective named Emily, known for her sharp mind and unwavering integrity, began to question the evidence against Harold. She noticed inconsistencies in the witness testimonies and discovered that the antique scissors were not, in fact, the missing artifact.
Emily presented her findings to the superintendent, who was initially reluctant to believe her. But as the evidence mounted, he realized that a grave injustice had been committed. Harold was exonerated, and the real thief was apprehended.
The city rejoiced at Harold’s acquittal, his name cleared of the false accusations. He returned home, a hero in the eyes of his neighbors. And as for the antique scissors, they were returned to the museum, a reminder of the importance of justice and the power of truth.
- Usurp: merebut, merebut kekuasaan
- Vacuum: vakum, ruang hampa
- Venom: racun, bisa
- Vigil: pengawasan, pengamat
- Waitress: pelayan wanita, pramusaji
- Yield: menghasilkan, menyerah
- Yolk: kuning telur, kuning telur yang berfungsi sebagai cadangan makanan untuk embrio hewan.
The Venomous Usurper
In the heart of a decaying kingdom, a vacuum of power had formed. The rightful ruler, weak and senile, had been ousted by a cunning usurper named Vargo. Vargo, a man of venom and malice, ruled the kingdom with an iron fist.
The people lived in fear, their spirits crushed by Vargo’s tyranny. A vigil was held in secret, a gathering of those who dared to resist the usurper. Among them was a young waitress named Anya, a woman of courage and determination.
Anya, inspired by the stories of the kingdom’s past heroes, vowed to overthrow Vargo and restore the rightful ruler to the throne. She gathered a small band of rebels, each one driven by a burning desire for freedom.
Together, they devised a plan to usurp Vargo’s power. They would infiltrate the palace, seize control, and restore the rightful ruler to the throne. The plan was risky, but Anya was determined to see it through.
On the night of the uprising, Anya and her rebels stormed the palace. They fought bravely against Vargo’s guards, their courage fueled by the hope of a brighter future. In the end, they emerged victorious, Vargo’s reign of terror brought to an end.
The rightful ruler was restored to the throne, and the kingdom rejoiced. Anya, hailed as a hero, was rewarded for her bravery. But she knew that the battle for freedom was far from over. The kingdom still faced many challenges, and she was determined to help rebuild it.
The Labyrinth of Life
In the heart of a medieval city, a frail old man named Thomas lived a frugal existence. He was a devout man, often lost in prayer, seeking solace in the lamentable state of his life.
One day, a plague swept through the city, leaving a trail of dearth and debris in its wake. Thomas, a junior member of the city council, was tasked with leading the relief efforts. Despite his puny stature, he showed remarkable courage and laudable leadership skills.
However, the defendant in a fatal accident claimed that the city was liable for the tragedy. The superintendent of the police force was accused of harassing the witness and seizing evidence. The lieutenant in charge of the investigation was irate and lax in his duties, allowing the defendant to forfeit his bail and disappear.
The city was in chaos. Noise and dissent filled the streets. The mayor, a racist and a bigot, was ousted from office after a vigil was held in protest of his inane policies.
A questionnaire was sent out to the citizens, asking for their input on the city’s problems. The results were alarming, revealing a deep-seated distrust of the government.
Meanwhile, a hoax about a hoard of gold buried beneath the city square caused a surge in amateur treasure hunters. The police were forced to quell the chaos, using tear gas and water cannons.
In the midst of all this, a senior citizen named Emily was labeled as a witch and accused of casting a spell on the city. She was tried and found guilty, sentenced to be burned at the stake. A legion of citizens gathered to witness the execution, but a lightning bolt struck the pyre, saving Emily’s life.
As the city slowly began to recover, the citizens realized that they must work together to surpass the challenges they faced. They must discern the truth from the lies, and yield to the power of unity and compassion.