My goal is not to transfer the entire page of the book into this blog. I am only taking excerpts from the reading. My approach is also different from the original book. I am adding Indonesian word equivalents for the words discussed in each reading. Not just equivalents, but I even thoroughly analyze each word, starting from the definition, providing numerous example sentences, and even providing synonyms and antonyms. If it is a base word, I also search for all possible derivatives. If it is a complex word, I also search for its base word. Isn’t that amazing? Hehe…
Tujuan saya bukan untuk memindahkan seluruh halaman buku tersebut ke dalam blog ini ya. Saya hanya mengambil bagian bacaannya saja. Pendekatan saya juga beda dengan buku aslinya. Saya menambahkan catatan padanan kata Indonesia untuk kata-kata yang dibahas dalam tiap bacaan. Bukan cuma padanan. Setiap kata tersebut bahkan dikupas tuntas, mulai dari definisi, contoh kalimat yang banyak, hingga sinonim dan antonimnya. Jika berupa kata dasar, dicari juga semua kemungkina kata turunannya. Jika berupa kata yang kompleks, dicari juga donk kata dasarnya apa. Edan khan? he he…
Prince Siddhartha Gautama, born into a family of warrior-kings in northern India, was raised to one day rule the throne. Surrounded by luxury and protected…
Read MorePrince Siddhartha was living a life of luxury until, one day, he decided to venture out and observe the plight of his people. The sight…
Read MoreSiddhartha Gautama, a prince from ancient India, embarked on spiritual enlightenment after renouncing his luxurious lifestyle. He traded in his elaborate attire for a simple…
Read MoreBuddha outlined the three paths that men might travel wordily pleasure, self-torment, and the middle path. Only through the middle path could man achieve bona…
Read MoreThe idea of a female alcoholic is often surprising to many, but the reality is that the number of American women struggling with alcoholism is…
Read MoreThe Stereotypical Profile of a Female Alcoholic Contrary to popular belief, female alcoholics are not always the stereotypical “fallen women” of society. In fact, the…
Read MoreThe rise of female alcohol consumption has been a topic of concern for healthcare professionals. While previous reasons such as stress and peer pressure have…
Read MoreWomen at risk of developing an alcohol addiction must be aware of warning signs. Ignoring these signs could result in a destructive and potentially life-threatening…
Read MoreDr. Weston is convinced that the pedagogue is the culprit. Since teachers seat their pupils in alphabetical order, the “S” to “Z” child is usually…
Read MoreMr. Sloane did not want to perpetuate the disorders which stemmed from the alphabetical arrangement. Not only did he reverse the seating in his other…
Read MoreDuring their studies of other cultures, anthropologists have reported numerous customs and practices that seem bizarre to the average American. Many primitive people believe that…
Read MoreAn outgrowth of the idea of a fixation is the closely related practice of taboo. Whereas the gods or supernatural powers merely inhibit an object…
Read MoreAlthough it is probably universal human behavior to be contemptuous of the bizarre superstitions practiced by inhabitants of unfamiliar cultures, it seems to be somewhat…
Read MoreDuring the Middle Ages, most people believed that the devil could enter a man’s body easily when he sneezed because, at that propitious moment, he…
Read MoreFew sights are more impressive and awesome than the eruption of an active volcano. There are few natural events that so singularly dwarf man’s puny…
Read MoreThe presence of an ever-flowing supply of fresh, clean water is taken for granted. Unfortunately, this congenial condition is fast disappearing. As our population increases,…
Read MorePublic opinion has an important place in a democracy. The public, often lethargic, is susceptible to a wide variety of influences. The most prevalent of…
Read MoreThe critics rebuke the press because most newspapers devote less than 10 percent of their news space to foreign items. In many hundreds of papers,…
Read MoreThe average newspaper office receives many times the amount of foreign news than it has space to print. The editor must include or jettison items…
Read MoreThe electronic media – television and radio – have more acute problems than the press when it comes to news reporting. A normal broadcast can…
Read MoreThe music reached its pinnacle in the nineteenth century. Every leading nation produced its share of the great composer. There was a bewildering array of…
Read MoreBeethoven was able to free music from the traditions that had tended to constrict it. He was a child prodigy who held an important musical…
Read MoreA successor to Beethoven was Johannes Brahms. Also a prodigy, he was the object of vitriolic attacks by other composers because of the individuality of…
Read MoreIn his private life, Brahms was considered by his friends as an egotist. He had an extremely lofty opinion of himself and his talents. He…
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