125 More Difficult (But Essential) Words

125 More Difficult (But Essential) Words

Short Explanation:

  • Abate: Abate means to reduce, lessen, or diminish in intensity, degree, or amount. It refers to the process of becoming less severe or intense over time.
  • Abhor: Abhor means to detest, hate, or have a strong feeling of disgust towards something or someone. It represents a deep and intense aversion or repulsion.
  • Acclimate: Acclimate means to adapt or adjust to a new environment, situation, or climate. It involves becoming accustomed to and familiar with new conditions or surroundings.
  • Adage: An adage is a short, memorable saying or proverb that expresses a common truth or wisdom. It often conveys practical advice or a moral lesson.
  • Aegis: Aegis refers to the protection, sponsorship, or support of a person, organization, or entity. It represents a shield or defense that provides assistance or guidance.
  • Affluent: Affluent describes someone who is wealthy, prosperous, or financially well-off. It signifies a person or group that has an abundance of resources or material possessions.
  • Alleviate: Alleviate means to ease, reduce, or lessen the severity or intensity of something, such as pain, suffering, or a problem. It involves providing relief or making a situation more bearable.
  • Altercation: Altercation refers to a heated or angry argument or dispute between two or more people. It involves a verbal or physical confrontation that often results in a conflict.
  • Antithesis: Antithesis refers to the direct opposite or contrast of something. It represents a clear and distinct opposition or contradiction between two ideas, concepts, or entities.
  • Atheist: An atheist is a person who lacks belief in the existence of a god or gods. It represents someone who does not adhere to or follow any religious or spiritual beliefs.
  • Avid: Avid describes someone who is enthusiastic, passionate, or deeply interested in something. It signifies a strong and eager desire or enthusiasm for a particular activity, hobby, or subject.

Bridging Beliefs: The Avid Atheist and the Scholar’s Compromise

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived an atheist named Ethan. He was known for his avid pursuit of knowledge and his strong belief in science. Ethan’s presence in the community was often met with mixed reactions. Some abhorred his views, while others admired his intellectual curiosity.

One day, an affluent businessman named Mr. Johnson decided to acclimate himself to the town by organizing a series of events to promote unity and understanding. Under the aegis of his company, he invited people from all walks of life to participate in activities that would challenge their beliefs and foster dialogue.

During one of these events, Ethan found himself engaged in a heated altercation with a religious scholar. Their arguments seemed to be the antithesis of each other’s beliefs. The atmosphere grew tense as they debated the existence of a higher power.

Amidst the chaos, an elderly woman approached them and shared an adage she had learned in her youth: “In the face of adversity, it is better to find common ground than to perpetuate division.” Her wise words resonated with everyone present, including Ethan and the scholar.

Realizing the need to alleviate the tension, Ethan took a step back and proposed a compromise. He suggested that they set aside their differences and work together on a project that would benefit the community as a whole. The scholar agreed, recognizing the importance of unity in the face of adversity.

As they collaborated, they discovered that despite their opposing beliefs, they shared a common goal – to improve the lives of those around them. Through their joint efforts, they were able to alter the perception of their town and bridge the gap between different ideologies.

The project’s success not only brought about positive change but also fostered a newfound understanding and respect among the townspeople. They realized that despite their diverse backgrounds, they could come together and create a harmonious community.

In the end, Ethan’s atheism and the scholar’s religious beliefs became a catalyst for growth and acceptance. The town became a shining example of how individuals, regardless of their differences, could acclimate to change, abate conflict, and thrive together under the aegis of unity.

And so, the story of Ethan, the avid atheist, and the scholar who embraced the antithesis of his beliefs became a testament to the power of collaboration and the ability to overcome adversity.

  • Abate: mereda atau berkurang atau menurun
  • Abhor: membenci atau sangat tidak suka atau sangat benci
  • Acclimate: menyesuaikan diri atau beradaptasi atau mengaklimatkan diri
  • Adage: pepatah atau ungkapan atau peribahasa
  • Aegis: perlindungan atau bantuan atau dukungan
  • Affluent: kaya atau berkecukupan atau sejahtera
  • Alleviate: meredakan atau meringankan atau mengurangi
  • Altercation: pertengkaran atau percekcokan atau perselisihan
  • Antithesis: lawan atau kebalikan atau kontras
  • Atheist: ateis atau tidak beragama atau tidak percaya Tuhan
  • Avid: bersemangat atau antusias atau sangat suka.

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