This section dissects the complete readings and vocabulary from the book “504 Absolutely Essential Words,” with my own approach as an Indonesian person learning English. Readers of this blog no longer need to bother opening an English-Indonesian dictionary like I used to. Just explore all the notes I have made here. For every word I marked, a link to a more detailed note is included.
Many popular expressions in our language have interesting backgrounds. When we refer to a person’s weak spot as his Achilles heel, we recall the story…
Read MoreLesson 31 You’re doing great! Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances: Commuter A commuter is a person…
Read MoreLesson 30 You’ve got it! Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances: Depict To depict means to represent…
Read MoreLesson 29 You’re on a roll! Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances: Toil To toil means to…
Read MoreVocabulary Focus: You got it! Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances: Outlaw To outlaw means to make…
Read MoreVocabulary Focus: You got it! Here are explanations and examples for those words, focusing on their meanings and nuances: Despite Despite means in spite of,…
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