Sylvia’s daily commute to work typically involved a crowded subway train during rush hour, so she was surprised to find a seat quickly in an almost empty car one hot Tuesday morning. She couldn’t understand how, in the realm of possibilities, this could be. She couldn’t recall any other instance in the annals of subway history that she had been so fortunate. The puzzle was further compounded as she looked out the window and saw many commuters rushing to fill other cars. It was not until she saw the sign on the door that she realized why she had been so “lucky” this morning: “We apologize, but the air conditioning is not working in this car.” The tinge of resignation set in as Sylvia understood that her comfort was compromised for a seat.
- Commute: bepergian dari rumah ke tempat kerja atau sebaliknya, biasanya dengan transportasi umum
- Commuter: orang yang melakukan perjalanan bolak-balik dari rumah ke tempat kerja atau sebaliknya, biasanya dengan transportasi umum
- Subway: kereta bawah tanah, moda transportasi umum yang berjalan di bawah tanah
- Rush hour: jam sibuk, waktu ketika lalu lintas dan transportasi umum paling padat
- Realm: wilayah, lingkup, bidang tertentu
- Recall: mengingat, mengingat kembali
- Annals: catatan sejarah, kronik
- Compounded: terdiri dari, gabungan dari beberapa hal
- Rushing: terburu-buru, berlari-lari
- Tinge: sedikit, sedikit sekali
- Resignation: pengunduran diri, tindakan melepaskan diri dari pekerjaan atau tanggung jawab
- Set in: mulai terjadi, menjadi teratur atau berulang
- Comfort: kenyamanan, perasaan nyaman
- Compromised: terganggu, tidak dalam keadaan yang baik atau sempurna karena beberapa alasan
It was a paradox that she found herself in a car without air conditioning on a day when she was looking for a respite from the heat. It was not the ideal situation, but it did allow Sylvia to reflect on the importance of small comforts and how they can significantly impact our daily lives.
- Paradox: paradoks, situasi yang bertentangan dengan logika atau harapan
- Paradoxical: paradoks, bertentangan dengan logika atau harapan
- Respite: jeda, istirahat sementara
- Occurrence: kejadian, peristiwa
- Compromise: kompromi, kesepakatan yang dicapai dengan saling mengalah
- Incident: insiden, kejadian yang tidak terduga
- Essential: penting, sangat dibutuhkan
- Mindful: sadar, memperhatikan dengan seksama
- Go through: melalui, melewati, mengalami secara menyeluruh
In conclusion, our perceptions of good luck are sometimes not what they seem to be. A seemingly fortunate occurrence can sometimes be the result of a compromise. The incident on the subway train made Sylvia realize that sometimes minor things can make the most significant difference, and it’s essential to be mindful of that when we go through our daily lives.