Carl Brown walked wearily from the bus stop, his thoughts preoccupied with the day’s events. He had become accustomed to receiving the blame for his colleagues’ mistakes. He could remain complacent when less deserving workers were promoted ahead of him. He could even maintain an air of indifference when the young man he had trained now snubbed him. What he could not endure was the ridicule of his fellow employees. His wrath flamed at the thought that his secret had been exposed. The legend of his honesty had died.
Carl Brown pondered his next move. Should he resign or take even more drastic measures? His steps led past the wharf where the ships unloaded their fruit cargoes. He looked into the dark waters and took a deep breath. No, this was not a sin that could be erased. He heaved a sigh and determined to amend his ways. Never again would he sign his ballot “Carl Smith.”
- weary
- wearily
- preoccupied
- accustomed
- complacent
- indifference
- snubbed
- endure
- ridicule
- wrath
- ponder
- wharf
- cargoes
- amend
- ballot
You’re on a roll! Here are explanations for those words, with examples that highlight their nuances:
Weary means tired, exhausted, or bored. It can refer to physical or mental fatigue.
- After a long day of work, she was weary and ready for bed.
- He grew weary of the endless arguing and wished for peace.
- The weary traveler sought shelter in a nearby inn.
Wearily describes the manner of doing something with tiredness or exhaustion.
- He walked wearily down the street, his shoulders slumped.
- She sighed wearily and closed the book.
- The weary traveler looked wearily at the long road ahead.
Preoccupied means absorbed in thought or distracted by something else. It can imply a lack of attention or focus.
- He was preoccupied with his work and didn’t notice the time.
- She was preoccupied with her own thoughts and didn’t listen to the conversation.
- Preoccupation can lead to forgetfulness or inattentiveness.
Accustomed means used to something, familiar with it.
- She was accustomed to the city’s noise and bustle.
- He was accustomed to waking up early every morning.
- The soldiers were accustomed to living in harsh conditions.
Complacent means satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change or improve. It can imply a lack of ambition or drive.
- The company became complacent after years of success, losing its edge in the market.
- He was complacent about his health, ignoring warning signs and neglecting regular checkups.
- Complacency can lead to stagnation and decline.
Indifference means a lack of interest, concern, or enthusiasm.
- He treated her proposal with indifference, showing no interest.
- She felt indifference towards his attempts to apologize.
- Indifference can be a sign of apathy or lack of empathy.
To snub means to treat someone with intentional rudeness or neglect.
- She snubbed him at the party, refusing to speak to him.
- He felt snubbed when he wasn’t invited to the meeting.
- Snubbing someone can be a hurtful act.
To endure means to suffer something painful or difficult patiently.
- He endured the pain of surgery without complaining.
- She endured the harsh winter conditions.
- Enduring hardship can build resilience and character.
Ridicule is the act of making fun of someone or something in a cruel or disrespectful way.
- He was ridiculed for his strange clothes.
- She was subjected to constant ridicule from her classmates.
- Ridicule can be a form of bullying or harassment.
Wrath is intense anger or fury.
- The king’s wrath was terrible to behold.
- She felt a surge of wrath when she discovered the betrayal.
- Wrath can be destructive and lead to violence.
To ponder means to think about something carefully or deeply.
- He pondered the meaning of life.
- She pondered the implications of her decision.
- Pondering can lead to insights and understanding.
A wharf is a platform built out over water, used for loading and unloading cargo from ships.
- The ships docked at the wharf.
- He walked along the wharf and watched the boats come and go.
- The wharf was crowded with workers loading cargo onto the ships.
Cargoes refers to goods or materials being transported by ship, truck, or airplane.
- The ship carried a cargo of wheat.
- The truck was loaded with cargoes of furniture.
- The airplane transported cargoes of mail and packages.
To amend means to make changes to something, typically to improve or correct it.
- The government amended the law to address the issue.
- She amended her speech after receiving feedback.
- The amendment was approved by a majority vote.
A ballot is a list of candidates or proposals for voters to choose from in an election.
- The voters cast their ballots in the election.
- The ballot included candidates for president, senator, and governor.
- The ballot also included propositions for the voters to decide.
- Weary: Weary means feeling tired, fatigued, or exhausted, often as a result of physical or mental exertion. It can also refer to a feeling of being worn out or drained.
- Wearily: Wearily is an adverb that describes doing something in a tired or exhausted manner. It suggests a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
- Preoccupied: Preoccupied means being absorbed or deeply engrossed in thoughts, concerns, or activities, to the extent that one may not pay attention to or be fully aware of their surroundings.
- Accustomed: Accustomed means being familiar with something or having become used to a particular situation, behavior, or routine through repeated exposure or experience.
- Complacent: Complacent refers to a state of self-satisfaction or contentment, often accompanied by a lack of motivation or a failure to recognize potential problems or challenges.
- Indifference: Indifference refers to a lack of interest, concern, or emotional involvement in a particular matter or situation. It implies a neutral or apathetic attitude.
- Snubbed: Snubbed means being treated with disregard, disrespect, or intentional neglect, often resulting in feelings of embarrassment, rejection, or hurt.
- Endure: Endure means to tolerate, bear, or withstand something difficult, challenging, or unpleasant over a period of time. It implies resilience and perseverance.
- Ridicule: Ridicule refers to the act of mocking, making fun of, or deriding someone or something, often with the intention of belittling or humiliating them.
- Wrath: Wrath refers to intense anger, fury, or rage. It suggests a strong and often uncontrollable emotional response to a perceived wrongdoing or injustice.
- Ponder: Ponder means to think about or consider something deeply and carefully, often with a sense of reflection or contemplation.
- Wharf: A wharf is a structure built along the shore of a body of water, such as a river or harbor, used for docking ships, loading and unloading cargo, or as a place for people to walk or gather.
- Cargoes: Cargoes is the plural form of cargo, which refers to goods or merchandise transported by ship, airplane, truck, or other means of transportation.
- Amend: Amend means to make changes or modifications to something, typically a document, law, or agreement, in order to improve, correct, or update it.
- Ballot: A ballot is a formal process of voting, typically involving the casting of written or electronic votes to choose a candidate, make a decision, or express an opinion.

A Journey Beyond Indifference
Once upon a time in a bustling harbor town, there lived a sailor named Captain Jonathan who was accustomed to the rhythmic sounds of the sea. However, beneath his weathered exterior, he harbored a weary heart that yearned for something more.
One day, as he stood on the wharf, gazing at the horizon with a preoccupied mind, he noticed a peculiar old man, seemingly complacent in his solitude. This man, known as Old Tobias, had spent decades on the docks, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of ships unloading their precious cargoes.
Captain Jonathan, not one to succumb to indifference, approached Old Tobias, eager to learn the secrets hidden within his wrinkles. Much to his surprise, the old man snubbed him at first, as if the captain’s presence was an unwelcome intrusion.
Undeterred, Captain Jonathan decided to endure Old Tobias’s initial coldness. Day after day, he engaged the old man in conversation, hoping to amend the gap between them. Slowly but surely, Old Tobias’s heart began to thaw, and he shared tales of the sea that made the captain ponder the profound mysteries of life.
One stormy night, when the sea heaved with immense power, Captain Jonathan and Old Tobias found themselves working together to secure the ships. The wrath of the tempest seemed insurmountable, but their camaraderie prevailed. In that moment, Captain Jonathan realized that beneath the surface of indifference, there lay a world of untold stories and shared struggles.
As they stood on the creaking wharf, having successfully weathered the storm, Old Tobias heaved a sigh of relief. The harbor, once a place of complacency for him, had transformed into a sanctuary of shared experiences. The captain, no longer weary of the routine, had found a deeper connection that surpassed the indifference that once surrounded him.
Together, they watched as the first light of dawn illuminated the harbor, casting away the shadows of indifference. The journey beyond the mundane had brought them a friendship that even the mightiest tempest couldn’t erode.
And so, the harbor town witnessed a remarkable tale of two souls, once preoccupied with their own worlds, now united by the bonds of the sea and the courage to go beyond the surface.
weary = lelah/letih
- wearily = dengan lelah/dengan letih
- preoccupied = sibuk/teralih perhatian
- accustomed = terbiasa/mengenal
- complacent = puas/dengan rasa puas diri
- indifference = ketidakpedulian/ketidakacuhan
- snubbed = diabaikan/ditolak
- endure = bertahan/menahan
- ridicule = ejekan/menertawakan
- wrath = kemarahan/amarah
- ponder = merenung/menghayati
- wharf = dermaga/pelabuhan
- cargoes = muatan/kargo
- heaved = mengangkat dengan susah payah
- heaved a sigh = menghela nafas dengan berat
- amend = memperbaiki/memperbaiki
- ballot = surat suara/pemilihan