A Time for Decision

A Time for Decision

The doctor explained the situation calmly, avoiding histrionics. First of all, they didn’t know whether the dog had rabies. Secondly, the elusive dog had frustrated all attempts to find him so far. Finally, the decision would have to be made whether Bobby was to undergo the painful vaccination administered daily for two weeks. Mrs Hart said that a neighbor who had seen the dog claimed it had been foaming at the mouth, barking, and constantly growling – all the symptomatic of rabies. But the policeman interjected that there hadn’t been a case of a mad dog in the country in over twenty years; he repudiated the neighbor’s report, advocating that they do nothing for at least another day. Mr And Mrs Hart sat down to think about their next step. 

  • Histrionic: Histeris
  • Elusive: Sulit ditangkap
  • Undergo: Menjalani
  • Painful: Menyakitkan
  • Administered: Diberikan
  • Growling: Menggeram
  • Symptomatic: Bermasalah
  • Interjected: Menyela
  • Repudiated: Menolak
  • Advocating: Menganjurkan


The Elusive Diagnosis

In the bustling city of New York, a young woman named Anya was undergoing a series of painful medical procedures. Her symptoms were elusive, seemingly changing from day to day.

Her doctor, a renowned neurologist named Dr. Evelyn, was at a loss. Anya’s behavior was becoming increasingly histrionic, her mood swings growing more severe.

During one particularly difficult appointment, Anya interjected with a growling voice, accusing Dr. Evelyn of repudiating her pain. The doctor, taken aback, remained calm and assured Anya that she was advocating for her well-being.

As the days turned into weeks, Anya’s condition worsened. Her symptoms became more symptomatic of a serious underlying illness. Dr. Evelyn, determined to find a diagnosis, continued to explore every avenue, hoping to unravel the mystery of Anya’s elusive condition.

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