Abandon Hope

“Abandon hope” is a phrase that means to give up any expectation or belief that a situation will improve. It conveys a sense of despair, finality, and resignation, often used in dire circumstances where all efforts seem futile. The phrase is famously associated with Dante’s Inferno, where “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here” warns those entering Hell that there is no chance of escape or salvation. Figuratively, it is used to describe situations where people lose faith in achieving success or a positive outcome, reflecting deep pessimism or acknowledgment of defeat.

Sample Sentences:

  • After years of failure, he decided to abandon hope of ever starting his own business.
  • The trapped miners refused to abandon hope, holding on until the rescue team arrived.
  • Seeing the floodwaters rise, the villagers began to abandon hope of saving their homes.
  • She told herself not to abandon hope, even in the darkest moments of her illness.
  • The team abandoned hope of winning after falling far behind in the final minutes.
  • “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here,” read the inscription on the haunted mansion’s gate.
  • Despite the overwhelming odds, the survivors never abandoned hope of being found.
  • The once-optimistic leaders abandoned hope as the conflict worsened.
  • He abandoned hope of reconciliation when she stopped responding to his messages.
  • In moments of despair, it’s easy to abandon hope, but perseverance can change everything.


  • Give up hope
  • Lose faith
  • Surrender
  • Resign oneself
  • Despair
  • Lose heart
  • Relinquish hope
  • Succumb to defeat


  • Hold on to hope
  • Persevere
  • Have faith
  • Remain optimistic
  • Trust
  • Believe
  • Endure
  • Stay hopeful

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Give up on (to stop believing something can succeed)
  • Lose faith in (to stop trusting or believing)
  • Let go of (to release emotional or mental hope)
  • Give in to despair (to allow feelings of hopelessness to take over)
  • Settle for (to accept defeat or a lesser outcome)

Idiomatic Expressions:

  • Throw in the towel (to give up entirely)
  • Lose heart (to lose confidence or hope)
  • All hope is lost (a situation where success seems impossible)
  • The end of the line (a point where hope or progress stops)
  • A lost cause (a situation with no chance of success)
  • Down and out (to feel defeated and hopeless)

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