Abandon on

“Abandon on” is a phrase that typically refers to neglecting or leaving someone or something behind, often in a context where the action of abandonment is directed towards a specific target or situation. It suggests that someone or something is left without support, attention, or care, often unexpectedly. The phrase is used to describe a situation where a person or entity is abandoned in a way that directly impacts them, usually without regard for their needs or without providing an alternative. The use of “on” implies that the abandonment is placed upon a particular thing or person.

Sample Sentences:

  • He felt completely abandoned on the island after the boat left without him.
  • She abandoned all responsibility on her colleague when she chose to quit the project.
  • The dog was abandoned on the street by its previous owner.
  • The workers were abandoned on the construction site when the company went bankrupt.
  • The decision to abandon the negotiations on him was a harsh move.
  • She felt abandoned on the difficult task with no guidance from her supervisor.
  • The soldiers were abandoned on the battlefield, left to fend for themselves.
  • He was left abandoned on the job after his team went on vacation.
  • They abandoned their original plan on the advice of a more experienced consultant.
  • The manager abandoned all hope on the project when the funding was cut.


  • Leave behind on
  • Desert
  • Forsake
  • Neglect
  • Let down
  • Cast aside
  • Give up on
  • Drop (someone)
  • Leave stranded


  • Stay with
  • Support
  • Help
  • Stand by
  • Care for
  • Assist
  • Attend to
  • Provide for

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Leave behind (to abandon someone or something in a specific situation)
  • Drop off (to leave someone somewhere, often without further support)
  • Desert (to abandon someone in their time of need)
  • Leave in the lurch (to abandon someone in a difficult or troubling situation)
  • Walk away from (to abandon someone or something abruptly)

Idiomatic Expressions:

  • Leave high and dry (to abandon someone without help in a difficult situation)
  • Cast someone adrift (to abandon someone or leave them to manage on their own)
  • Leave someone holding the bag (to abandon someone with a problem or responsibility)
  • Turn your back on (to refuse to help or abandon someone in need)
  • Wash your hands of (to abandon responsibility for something or someone)
  • Let someone down (to fail to support someone when they need it)
  • Leave someone to their own devices (to abandon someone to manage a situation on their own)

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