“Abdicate” is a verb that means to renounce, relinquish, or formally give up a position of power, authority, or responsibility, often voluntarily. It is most commonly associated with monarchs or leaders stepping down from their roles, but it can also apply to abandoning duties, obligations, or rights in a broader sense. The act of abdication is typically seen as a significant or dramatic decision, often accompanied by consequences for the individual and those they serve.
10 Sentences Using “Abdicate”:
- The king decided to abdicate the throne in favor of his son.
- Faced with immense pressure, the CEO chose to abdicate her position.
- It is irresponsible to abdicate one’s parental responsibilities.
- The politician refused to abdicate his duties despite growing criticism.
- He felt tempted to abdicate his role in the project when the workload became overwhelming.
- Monarchs who abdicate often face mixed reactions from their people.
- She argued that to abdicate one’s moral principles is to lose one’s identity.
- The committee accused him of trying to abdicate his accountability for the failed strategy.
- Abdicating her responsibilities at such a critical time left her team in disarray.
- The dictator had no intention of abdicating power, despite international condemnation.
Synonyms of “Abdicate”:
- Resign
- Relinquish
- Renounce
- Vacate
- Quit
- Surrender
- Forego
- Step down
- Yield
- Give up
Antonyms of “Abdicate”:
- Retain
- Assume
- Accept
- Seize
- Continue
- Hold
- Maintain
- Persist
- Occupy
- Keep
Related Words:
- Abdication
- Resignation
- Relinquishment
- Renunciation
- Disown
- Deposition
- Succession
- Overthrow
- Rejection
- Departure
Related Expressions:
- “Abdicate responsibility” (to avoid fulfilling one’s duties).
- “Abdicate the throne” (to relinquish the position of king or queen).
- “Forced to abdicate” (compelled to give up a position of power).
- “Voluntarily abdicate” (to step down willingly).
- “Abdicate one’s authority” (to surrender control or command).
Related Phrasal Verbs:
- “Step down” (to resign or abdicate a position).
- “Give up on” (to relinquish efforts or responsibility).
- “Bow out” (to withdraw gracefully from a position).
- “Hand over” (to transfer control or responsibility).
- “Walk away from” (to leave or abandon responsibility).
Related Idioms:
- “Pass the torch” (to abdicate or transfer a responsibility to someone else).
- “Throw in the towel” (to abdicate or give up on something).
- “Leave the reins” (to relinquish control or leadership).
- “Lay down the crown” (to abdicate or give up a royal position).
- “Step aside” (to abdicate or move out of the way for someone else to take over).
- “Wash one’s hands of” (to abdicate responsibility or involvement).
- “Shift the burden” (to abdicate responsibility by passing it to someone else).
- “Offload responsibility” (to abdicate or transfer obligations).
- “Exit stage left” (to withdraw or abdicate from a position quietly).
- “Pass the buck” (to avoid responsibility, akin to abdicating).