To “abrade” means to wear away or erode a surface through friction or scraping. It involves the gradual removal of material by rubbing or scraping, resulting in a change to the texture or appearance of the object or surface.
Sample Sentences:
- The constant rubbing of the rough cloth began to abrade the surface of the wooden table.
- The rocky shore had the tendency to abrade the soles of beachgoers’ shoes.
- Be cautious when cleaning delicate surfaces to avoid accidentally abrading the finish.
- Over time, wind and water can abrade the surface of ancient monuments, causing erosion.
- The harsh cleaning brush should not be used on delicate fabrics, as it can abrade the fibers.
- The friction from the sandpaper began to abrade the rough edges of the metal.
- Prolonged exposure to harsh weather conditions can abrade the paint on outdoor furniture.
- The fine-grit sandpaper is suitable for smoothing surfaces without excessively abrading them.
- Careful handling is essential to prevent abrading the delicate pages of antique books.
- The natural process of glaciers moving over rocks can abrade the underlying surfaces.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Grind: menggosok
- Scrape: mengikis
- Wear down: mengikis
- Erode: merusak
- Rub: menggosok
- Fray: merusak
- Chafe: melukai
- Corrode: menggerus
- Scratch: menggores
- Smooth: melicinkan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Polish: mengkilapkan
- Protect: melindungi
- Build: membangun
- Create: menciptakan
- Enhance: meningkatkan
- Preserve: menjaga
- Guard: menjaga
- Strengthen: memperkuat
- Mend: memperbaiki
- Shield: melindungi
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Abrasion: abrasi
- Abradable: dapat diikis
- Abrader: alat pengikis
- Abrasive: abrasif
- Abrading: mengikis
- Abrasiveness: sifat mengikis
- Unabraded: tidak terikis
- Abradant: bahan pengikis
- Abradable: dapat diikis
- Abrasive material: bahan abrasif
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Wear: keausan
- Damage: kerusakan
- Corrosion: korosi
- Degradation: degradasi
- Deterioration: penurunan kualitas
- Weathering: pelapukan
- Attrition: abrasi
- Rubbing: menggosok
- Scratching: menggores
- Scuffing: menggores
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Rub off: tergosok
- Wear away: terikis
- Scrape off: tergores
- Grind down: menggosok hingga habis
- Smooth out: melicinkan
- Brush away: menggosok dengan kuas
- Wear down: mengikis
- Polish up: mengkilapkan
- Sand down: mengamplas
- Buff out: menghilangkan dengan bantalan
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Rough around the edges: kasar di sekitar pinggirannya
- Smooth out the wrinkles: meratakan kerutan
- Wear and tear: pemakaian dan kerusakan
- A rough patch: masa sulit
- Buff to a shine: mengkilapkan hingga bersinar
- A scuff mark: bekas goresan
- The ravages of time: dampak buruk dari waktu
- To rub someone the wrong way: menyebalkan seseorang
- Like sand through the hourglass: seperti pasir melalui bolong waktu
- To weather the storm: bertahan di tengah badai
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- A chip off the old block: Menurun sifatnya dari orang tua
- To weather the storm: Bertahan di tengah badai
- To have a rough edge: Memiliki kekasaran pada tepiannya
- To smooth things over: Meratakan masalah
- To be wearing thin: Mulai menipis
- To grind to a halt: Berhenti secara tiba-tiba
- To scrape the barrel: Mengambil dari yang terburuk
- To rub salt in the wound: Menyakiti seseorang yang sudah terluka
- To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve: Menunjukkan perasaan dengan jelas
- To grind one’s teeth: Meremas gigi (tanda kekesalan)