
Abstruse is an adjective that means difficult to understand or comprehend. It refers to something that is complex, obscure, or hard to grasp. When something is described as abstruse, it implies that it requires deep thought, analysis, or specialized knowledge to comprehend. It is often used to describe concepts, ideas, or writings that are highly intellectual or abstract in nature. People may find abstruse topics challenging to understand due to their complexity or lack of familiarity.

  • The professor’s lecture on quantum physics was so abstruse that only a few students could understand it.
  • The book is filled with abstruse philosophical concepts that require careful analysis.
  • I tried reading the abstruse scientific paper, but I couldn’t make sense of it.
  • The movie’s plot was too abstruse for me to follow.
  • The poet’s work is known for its abstruse symbolism and obscure imagery.
  • The speaker delivered an abstruse speech on metaphysics that left the audience perplexed.
  • The subject matter of the research paper was too abstruse for most readers to grasp.
  • The novel’s narrative structure is intentionally abstruse, challenging readers to decipher its meaning.
  • The artist’s paintings are characterized by their abstruse and enigmatic compositions.
  • The mathematician presented an abstruse theorem that required advanced knowledge of calculus.


  • Obscure (gelap, samar)
  • Recherché (mencari dengan teliti)
  • Recondite (sulit dipahami)
  • Deep (dalam)
  • Esoteric (esoteris)
  • Cryptic (samarkan)
  • Enigmatic (misterius)
  • Arcane (samarkan)
  • Inscrutable (sulit dipahami)
  • Puzzling (membingungkan)


  • Clear (jelas)
  • Simple (sederhana)
  • Understandable (dapat dipahami)
  • Plain (biasa)
  • Straightforward (langsung)
  • Accessible (mudah diakses)
  • Intelligible (dapat dimengerti)
  • Lucid (jernih)
  • Transparent (transparan)
  • Obvious (jelas)

Kata-kata terkait:
Abstrusely (dalam cara yang sulit dipahami)
Ambiguity (ketidakjelasan)
Ambiguously (dalam cara yang ambigu)
Antinomy (antinomi)
Esoterically (dalam cara yang esoteris)
Fathomlessly (tanpa batas)
Garble (mengacaukan)

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