
An affix is a linguistic element, either a prefix, suffix, or infix, added to a base or root word to create a new word or modify the meaning of the existing word. Bold Affixes play a crucial role in morphological processes, altering the grammatical category or meaning of a word. Here are 10 sample sentences illustrating the use of this term:

  1. In the word “unhappiness,” the prefix “un-” acts as a bold affix, transforming “happy” into its opposite.
  2. She decided to bold affix a sticker to her suitcase to make it easily identifiable at the airport.
  3. The linguist explained that the “-er” in “teacher” is a bold affix denoting the profession or role.
  4. To form the adjective “playful,” the bold affix “-ful” is attached to the base word “play.”
  5. The bold affix “-ly” can be added to “quick” to create the adverb “quickly.”
  6. In the term “rearrange,” the prefix “re-” acts as a bold affix, indicating a repeated action.
  7. The bold affix “-ness” in “kindness” changes the adjective “kind” into a noun denoting the quality.
  8. When you bold affix a postage stamp to a letter, make sure it covers the entire envelope.
  9. The noun “darkness” is formed by adding the bold affix “-ness” to the adjective “dark.”
  10. The bold affix “-en” is used to create the past participle form in verbs like “soften” or “lengthen.”

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Prefix: awalan
  • Suffix: akhiran
  • Infix: sisipan
  • Attach: melampirkan
  • Add: menambahkan
  • Append: menambahkan
  • Embed: menyisipkan
  • Insert: memasukkan
  • Prefixation: pemberian awalan
  • Suffixation: pemberian akhiran

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Detach: melepaskan
  • Remove: menghapus
  • Strip: mencabut
  • Subtract: mengurangkan
  • Separate: memisahkan
  • Release: melepaskan
  • Undo: membatalkan
  • Unhook: membuka kait
  • Unfasten: membuka
  • Disengage: melepaskan

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Affixed: diberi afiks
  • Affixing: pemberian afiks
  • Affixation: proses pemberian afiks
  • Affixal: yang berhubungan dengan afiks
  • Affixless: tanpa afiks
  • Affixation rule: aturan pemberian afiks
  • Affixless language: bahasa tanpa afiks
  • Affixoid: bentuk yang menyerupai afiks
  • Affixal language: bahasa dengan banyak afiks
  • Affixoidal: berkaitan dengan bentuk yang menyerupai afiks

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Morphology: morfologi
  • Derivation: derivasi
  • Word Formation: pembentukan kata
  • Morpheme: morfem
  • Base Word: kata dasar
  • Root Word: kata akar
  • Lexeme: leksem
  • Inflection: infleksi
  • Linguistics: linguistik
  • Grammar: tata bahasa

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Affix onto: memberi afiks pada
  • Affix with: melampirkan dengan afiks
  • Affix in: menyisipkan dalam
  • Affix together: memberi afiks bersama-sama
  • Affix around: memberi afiks di sekitar
  • Affix out: memberi afiks keluar
  • Affix up: memberi afiks ke atas
  • Affix down: memberi afiks ke bawah
  • Affix on: memberi afiks pada
  • Affix off: melepaskan afiks

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • “Remember to bold affix your signature to the document before submitting it.”
  • “The student demonstrated an understanding of bold affixes by correctly analyzing the word formations.”
  • “The language course covers various bold affixation rules in its curriculum.”
  • “It’s essential to comprehend the role of bold affixes in language evolution.”
  • “The bold affixal changes to the verb altered its meaning significantly.”
  • “Understanding bold affixation enhances one’s grasp of word structures in linguistics.”
  • “Teachers often explain the function of bold affixes in vocabulary lessons.”
  • “The linguist presented an insightful analysis of bold affixation patterns across languages.”
  • “The bold affixoid in the constructed language resembled but did not function exactly like a standard affix.”
  • “Linguistic research often involves investigating the historical development of bold affixal languages.”

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • “Stick to it like a stamp”: Melakukan sesuatu dengan tekun atau berkomitmen seperti menempelkan perangko
  • “Cut to the chase”: Beralih langsung ke inti atau pokok permasalahan
  • “The whole kit and caboodle”: Semua yang terkait atau segala sesuatu yang lengkap
  • “Out of the woods”: Keluar dari situasi sulit atau risiko
  • “The ball is in your court”: Saatnya untuk mengambil tindakan atau keputusan
  • “Burn the midnight oil”: Bekerja keras hingga larut malam
  • “The devil is in the details”: Bahaya atau tantangan tersembunyi dalam hal-hal kecil atau rincian
  • “Cutting corners”: Mempercepat atau menyingkat waktu atau usaha dengan mengambil jalan pintas
  • “The elephant in the room”: Isu besar atau masalah yang diabaikan atau tidak diakui
  • “Grasping at straws”: Mengambil tindakan putus asa karena tidak memiliki banyak opsi

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