Aging Machinery

Aging Machinery

The term aging machinery refers to equipment, devices, or mechanical systems that have been in use for an extended period, leading to wear, reduced efficiency, and potential malfunctions due to the passage of time. It denotes the natural process of deterioration and decreased performance in machinery as it becomes older.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The factory struggled with production delays as a result of aging machinery that frequently broke down.
  2. Regular maintenance is essential to prolong the lifespan of aging machinery in industrial settings.
  3. The company invested in modernizing its operations to replace outdated and aging machinery.
  4. The repair costs for the aging machinery exceeded the budget allocated for equipment maintenance.
  5. Workers faced challenges coping with the limitations of the aging machinery in meeting production targets.
  6. Upgrading technology is crucial to prevent safety hazards associated with using aging machinery.
  7. The engineering team devised a plan to phase out the most obsolete and aging machinery.
  8. The agricultural sector faced productivity issues due to the reliance on aging machinery.
  9. The vintage printing press, while charming, struggled to compete with modern methods due to its aging machinery.
  10. The museum showcased the evolution of manufacturing through exhibits featuring early aging machinery.


  • Deteriorating equipment: peralatan yang memburuk
  • Worn-out machinery: mesin yang aus
  • Obsolete devices: perangkat usang
  • Decaying apparatus: alat yang membusuk
  • Aged equipment: peralatan yang menua
  • Outmoded machinery: mesin yang ketinggalan zaman
  • Weathered devices: perangkat yang terkena cuaca
  • Used-up apparatus: alat yang habis digunakan
  • Antiquated machinery: mesin yang kuno
  • Run-down equipment: peralatan yang rusak


  • Modern machinery: mesin modern
  • Up-to-date devices: perangkat terkini
  • State-of-the-art apparatus: alat terbaru
  • New equipment: peralatan baru
  • Cutting-edge machinery: mesin canggih
  • Advanced devices: perangkat canggih
  • Fresh apparatus: alat segar
  • Innovative machinery: mesin inovatif
  • Recent equipment: peralatan terkini
  • Upgraded devices: perangkat yang ditingkatkan

Derived Words:

  • Aging: penuaan
  • Machinery: mesin

Related Words:

  • Wear and tear: keausan
  • Maintenance: perawatan
  • Efficiency loss: kehilangan efisiensi
  • Malfunction: kerusakan
  • Deterioration: kerusakan
  • Obsolescence: keusangan
  • Modernization: modernisasi
  • Upgrade: peningkatan
  • Overhaul: perbaikan menyeluruh
  • Renewal: pembaruan

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Phase out: menghentikan penggunaan secara bertahap
  • Wear down: merusak atau mengurangi kinerja karena pemakaian

Common Expressions:

  • Grapple with aging machinery: menghadapi masalah dengan mesin yang menua
  • Address the challenges of aging machinery: mengatasi tantangan dari mesin yang menua

Related Idioms:

  • Old as the hills: sangat tua
  • Past its prime: telah melewati masa kejayaannya
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