Alimony refers to the financial support that one spouse is legally obligated to provide to the other after a divorce or separation. This support is typically provided regularly, and its purpose is to assist the receiving spouse in maintaining a similar standard of living to that which they had during the marriage.
Sample Sentences:
- After the divorce, John had to pay a significant amount of alimony to his ex-wife.
- The court ordered him to provide monthly alimony payments to support his former spouse.
- Jane sought legal advice to ensure fair alimony arrangements during the divorce proceedings.
- The judge considered various factors when determining the amount of alimony to be paid.
- The couple reached a mutual agreement regarding the terms of alimony in their divorce settlement.
- Some jurisdictions have specific guidelines for calculating alimony based on income and duration of marriage.
- The court may modify the amount of alimony if there are significant changes in the financial circumstances of either party.
- Mark was relieved when the court granted him a reduction in his alimony payments.
- Alimony payments are designed to help the recipient maintain financial stability after a divorce.
- Negotiating fair and reasonable alimony terms is crucial for both parties involved in a divorce.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Maintenance (Biaya hidup)
- Support (Dukungan)
- Allowance (Uang saku)
- Subsistence (Biaya hidup)
- Sustenance (Pertahanan)
- Provision (Penyediaan)
- Upkeep (Pemeliharaan)
- Aid (Bantuan)
- Assistance (Bantuan)
- Help (Bantuan)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Neglect (Pengabaian)
- Abandonment (Pengabaian)
- Disregard (Pengabaian)
- Forsaking (Pembiaran)
- Desertion (Pembiaran)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Alimonist (Pemberi dukungan finansial)
- Alimonary (Berhubungan dengan dukungan finansial)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Divorce (Perceraian)
- Separation (Pemisahan)
- Spousal Support (Dukungan suami/istri)
- Family Law (Hukum keluarga)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba):
- Pay out (Membayar)
- Settle on (Menyelesaikan)
- Agreed upon (Disetujui)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Court-ordered alimony (Dukungan finansial yang diatur oleh pengadilan)
- Monthly alimony payments (Pembayaran dukungan finansial bulanan)
- Fair and reasonable alimony terms (Ketentuan alimony yang adil dan wajar)
Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):
- “Pay the piper” (Membayar tagihan)
- “Cut the purse strings” (Memutuskan sumber pendanaan)