“Altruism” is a noun that describes the selfless concern and dedication to the well-being of others, often manifested through acts of kindness, generosity, and consideration. Altruistic individuals prioritize the needs and happiness of others over their own, seeking to contribute positively to the welfare of those around them. Altruism embodies a genuine compassion for humanity, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others without expecting anything in return.
Sample Sentences:
- His consistent acts of altruism, such as volunteering at the local shelter, earned him the community’s admiration.
- The organization was founded on the principle of altruism, aiming to address social issues and improve lives.
- She displayed altruism by anonymously donating a significant amount to a charitable cause.
- Acts of altruism can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to contribute to the well-being of their community.
- The firefighter’s courageous actions were a shining example of altruism, as he risked his life to save others.
- Altruism is often evident in small, everyday gestures that contribute to the happiness of those around us.
- The teacher’s altruistic approach to education went beyond the classroom, focusing on the personal development of each student.
- Many charitable organizations rely on the altruism of volunteers to carry out their missions.
- The doctor’s decision to work in underserved communities reflected a commitment to altruistic healthcare practices.
- Acts of altruism can lead to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that goes beyond personal gain.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Selflessness: Kebihakan
- Benevolence: Kebajikan
- Philanthropy: Filantropi
- Generosity: Kegenerosan
- Kindness: Kebaikan
- Compassion: Belas kasihan
- Goodwill: Niat baik
- Magnanimity: Kelembutan hati
- Humanitarianism: Kemanusiaan
- Charitableness: Kedermawanan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Selfishness: Egoisme
- Greed: Keserakahan
- Self-interest: Kepentingan diri sendiri
- Avarice: Keserakahan
- Egotism: Egotisme
- Narcissism: Narcisme
- Self-centeredness: Egosentrisme
- Selfishness: Egoisme
- Self-serving: Bertindak demi kepentingan diri sendiri
- Self-indulgence: Memanjakan diri sendiri
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Altruist: Altruis
- Altruistic: Altruistik
- Altruistically: Secara altruistik
- Altruismist: Orang yang menunjukkan altruisme
- Altruisticness: Kebutuhan diri yang tidak egois
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Altruistic act: Tindakan altruistik
- Altruistic behavior: Perilaku altruistik
- Altruistic motive: Motif altruistik
- Altruistic gesture: Sikap altruistik
- Altruistic nature: Sifat altruistik
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Practice altruism: Melakukan altruisme
- Exhibit selflessness: Menunjukkan ketidak egoisan
- Embrace altruism: Menerapkan altruisme
- Demonstrate benevolence: Menunjukkan kebaikan hati
- Display humanitarianism: Menunjukkan kemanusiaan
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Spirit of altruism: Semangat altruisme
- Virtue of selflessness: Keutamaan ketidak egoisan
- Essence of altruism: Inti dari altruisme
- Principle of benevolence: Prinsip kebaikan hati
- Heart of compassion: Hati belas kasihan
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Give until it hurts: Memberi sampai sakit hati
- Lay down one’s life: Merebut nyawa
- Open one’s heart: Membuka hati
- Have a heart of gold: Memiliki hati yang baik
- Put others first: Menempatkan orang lain di depan diri sendiri