An altruistic motive refers to the underlying intention or purpose behind an action that is driven by selflessness and a genuine desire to benefit others. It represents a sincere commitment to promoting the well-being and happiness of others without seeking personal gain or recognition.
Sample Sentences:
- The philanthropist’s generous donation had an altruistic motive aimed at supporting education for underprivileged children.
- Many volunteers dedicate their time with the altruistic motive of making a positive impact on their community.
- Her decision to mentor aspiring artists was fueled by an altruistic motive to nurture talent and creativity.
- Acts of kindness often have an altruistic motive of creating a ripple effect of positivity.
- The doctor’s decision to provide medical services in remote areas was guided by an altruistic motive to improve healthcare accessibility.
- Offering a listening ear to a friend in distress can be driven by an altruistic motive of providing emotional support.
- The environmentalist’s efforts to promote sustainability had an altruistic motive to protect the planet for future generations.
- Acts of anonymous charity often stem from an altruistic motive to help those in need without seeking acknowledgment.
- Teachers who go above and beyond in their roles may have an altruistic motive of shaping future generations positively.
- The volunteer firefighter’s commitment to risking their life for others reflects a profound altruistic motive.
- Selfless intention (Niat tanpa pamrih)
- Benevolent purpose (Tujuan baik hati)
- Generous objective (Tujuan murah hati)
- Philanthropic aim (Tujuan filantropis)
- Compassionate goal (Tujuan penuh kasih)
- Noble incentive (Insentif mulia)
- Humanitarian drive (Dorongan kemanusiaan)
- Kind-hearted aspiration (Aspirasi berhati baik)
- Charitable intent (Niat amal)
- Self-sacrificing rationale (Rasionalitas pengorbanan diri)
- Selfish motivation (Motivasi egois)
- Greedy purpose (Tujuan serakah)
- Self-centered drive (Dorongan egosentris)
- Egotistical goal (Tujuan egotis)
- Narcissistic intention (Niat narsistik)
- Self-serving objective (Tujuan untuk diri sendiri)
- Stingy aim (Tujuan pelit)
- Inconsiderate motive (Motivasi tidak peduli)
- Self-indulgent rationale (Rasionalitas memanjakan diri)
- Self-interested aspiration (Aspirasi berkepentingan diri)
Derived Words:
- Altruistically motivated (Terinspirasi secara altruistik)
- Altruist’s motivation (Motivasi altruistik)
Related Words:
- Actions with altruistic motives (Tindakan dengan motivasi altruistik)
- Intentions driven by altruism (Niat yang didorong oleh altruisme)
- Purposes guided by selflessness (Tujuan yang dipandu oleh ketidakmementingan diri)
Phrasal Verbs:
- Act with an altruistic motive (Bertindak dengan motivasi altruistik)
- Strive for altruistic objectives (Berjuang untuk mencapai tujuan altruistik)
- Operate with selfless intentions (Beroperasi dengan niat tanpa pamrih)
- Pursue a benevolent purpose (Mengejar tujuan baik hati)
Common Expressions:
- The essence of altruistic motives (Esensi motivasi altruistik)
- Guided by altruistic intentions (Dipandu oleh niat altruistik)
- Uphold altruistic values (Menjunjung nilai-nilai altruistik)
- Motivated by a desire to help others (Terinspirasi oleh keinginan untuk membantu orang lain)
Related Idioms:
- A heart in the right place (Hati yang berada di tempat yang benar)
- Pure of heart (Murni hati)
- Actions speak louder than words (Tindakan lebih berbicara daripada kata-kata)