“Amor” is a noun of Latin origin that translates to love in English. It encapsulates the multifaceted and profound emotion associated with affection, devotion, and deep attachment. Amor extends beyond romantic love to encompass various forms of love, such as familial, platonic, and self-love. It serves as a broad term for expressing the positive and warm sentiments humans feel toward others or things.
Sample Sentences:
- The novel’s central theme revolved around the power of amor and its ability to transform lives.
- A mother’s amor for her child is often considered one of the purest forms of love.
- The poet eloquently captured the essence of amor in verses that resonated with readers.
- Acts of kindness are fueled by a genuine sense of amor for fellow human beings.
- The elderly couple’s enduring amor stood as a testament to the strength of long-lasting relationships.
- The concept of self-amor is vital for personal growth and well-being.
- The community came together in a spirit of amor to support those in need.
- Through both triumphs and challenges, the friends maintained a bond strengthened by amor.
- The charity organization was founded on the principles of amor and compassion.
- The artist channeled feelings of amor into a breathtaking masterpiece that conveyed universal emotions.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Love: Cinta
- Affection: Kasih sayang
- Devotion: Pengabdian
- Adoration: Kepujaan
- Fondness: Kesayangan
- Attachment: Keterikatan
- Tenderness: Kelembutan
- Passion: Gairah
- Warmth: Kehangatan
- Embrace: Pelukan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Hatred: Kebencian
- Indifference: Acuh tak acuh
- Apathy: Ketidakpedulian
- Dislike: Tidak suka
- Coldness: Kedinginan
- Detachment: Keterpisahan
- Animosity: Animosity
- Hostility: Hostilitas
- Enmity: Permusuhan
- Repulsion: Ketidak sukaan
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Amorous: Penuh cinta
- Amorousness: Kecintaan
- Amorist: Peminat cinta
- Amorously: Dengan cinta
- Unamorous: Tidak cinta
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Relationship: Hubungan
- Connection: Koneksi
- Understanding: Pemahaman
- Compassion: Kasih sayang
- Harmony: Harmoni
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Fall in amor: Jatuh cinta
- Show amor for: Menunjukkan cinta pada
- Share amor with: Berbagi cinta dengan
- Express amor towards: Menyatakan cinta pada
- Nurture amor: Menumbuhkan cinta
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Acts of amor: Tindakan cinta
- Language of amor: Bahasa cinta
- Power of amor: Kekuatan cinta
- Spirit of amor: Semangat cinta
- Declaration of amor: Pernyataan cinta
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Love is blind: Cinta buta
- To have a heart full of love: Memiliki hati yang penuh cinta
- To be in the arms of Morpheus: Berada dalam pelukan Morpheus (istilah untuk tidur)
- To follow one’s heart: Mengikuti hati
- To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve: Menunjukkan perasaan dengan terbuka