Appearances and Attitudes (IV)

Appearances and Attitudes (IV)

How do you describe someone’s appearance and attitude? Do you use words like beautiful, handsome, friendly, or smart? Or do you prefer words like ugly, fat, rude, or dumb? In this article, we will learn some useful vocabulary to talk about appearances and attitudes in a casual way. We will also see how these words can affect the way we think and feel about ourselves and others. Let’s get started!

Lesson 27
Is the Pontiff (Pope) pontifical in his prose?
Even if you didn’t know the meaning of sleazy, why wouldn’t you buy a sleazy suit?
Supercilious comes from “raised eyebrows.” Does that give you a clue to its meaning?
Can you tell a ribald story in mixed company without raising someone’s eyebrows?
Why is a pedantic person likely to be prolix?

Vocabulary Definitions

Pedantic describes someone who is overly concerned with minor details, rules, or academic knowledge, often in a way that is annoying or tiresome.

  • His pedantic nature made discussions tedious as he focused on trivial points.
  • The professor’s pedantic lectures highlighted every tiny error in the students’ work.
  • While thoroughness is valuable, being overly pedantic can stifle creativity.

Pertinacious refers to someone who is persistent or stubbornly tenacious in their beliefs or actions.

  • Her pertinacious pursuit of justice earned her respect in the community.
  • The team’s pertinacious efforts eventually led to a breakthrough in the project.
  • Despite numerous setbacks, his pertinacious attitude kept him motivated.

Pontifical relates to the pomp or authority associated with a pontiff or religious leaders, often implying an air of self-importance.

  • His pontifical remarks during the meeting left little room for discussion.
  • She spoke in a pontifical tone, as if her opinions were beyond question.
  • The pontifical ceremony was filled with grandeur and solemnity.

Pretentious describes an attempt to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.

  • The restaurant’s pretentious atmosphere made diners feel uncomfortable.
  • His pretentious claims about his expertise were quickly debunked.
  • She found the pretentious art exhibit lacking in genuine creativity.

Prolix refers to a speech or piece of writing that is excessively lengthy and wordy, often leading to boredom.

  • The prolix report could have been summarized in a few pages.
  • His prolix explanations often lost the audience’s attention.
  • Brevity can be more effective than a prolix narrative.

Puerile describes something that is childish or silly, often lacking in maturity or seriousness.

  • His puerile jokes were amusing to some, but others found them annoying.
  • The film, though intended for adults, was criticized for its puerile humor.
  • Engaging in puerile behavior can undermine one’s credibility.

Quiescent refers to a state of inactivity or dormancy, often implying calmness or tranquility.

  • The quiescent lake mirrored the peaceful surroundings perfectly.
  • During the winter, many animals remain quiescent until spring arrives.
  • The quiescent phase of the project allowed for reflection and planning.

Recalcitrant describes someone who is stubbornly resistant to authority or control.

  • The recalcitrant student refused to follow the teacher’s instructions.
  • Despite repeated attempts to manage the situation, the recalcitrant employee remained defiant.
  • Recalcitrant behavior can complicate team dynamics.

Restive refers to a feeling of impatience or unease, often due to confinement or restriction.

  • The restive crowd grew anxious as they waited for the concert to begin.
  • His restive demeanor suggested he was not comfortable in the meeting.
  • Animals can become restive when kept in a small enclosure for too long.

Ribald describes humor or language that is vulgar or irreverently indecent, often pertaining to sexual matters.

  • The ribald jokes at the party drew laughter from some, but disapproval from others.
  • His ribald storytelling style was both entertaining and controversial.
  • Ribald humor can be entertaining but may not be suitable for all audiences.

Sardonic refers to a grimly mocking or cynical attitude, often conveying disdain.

  • Her sardonic remarks made it clear she was unimpressed with the proposal.
  • The film’s sardonic humor provided a sharp critique of societal norms.
  • A sardonic smile can indicate a lack of sincerity or genuine interest.

Sedulous describes someone who is diligent and persistent in their efforts, showing dedication and carefulness.

  • Her sedulous research led to groundbreaking discoveries in the field.
  • The sedulous student earned high marks through consistent effort and dedication.
  • A sedulous approach to work can yield impressive results.

Sleazy refers to something that is morally reprehensible, disreputable, or sordid, often implying a lack of integrity.

  • The sleazy business practices of the company led to public outrage.
  • He avoided the sleazy bar, preferring a more reputable establishment.
  • The film was criticized for its sleazy portrayal of relationships.

Supercilious describes an attitude of haughty disdain or arrogance, often suggesting a belief in one’s superiority.

  • His supercilious tone alienated many of his colleagues.
  • The supercilious remarks made it clear he looked down on others.
  • Supercilious behavior can create barriers in both personal and professional relationships.

Voluptuous refers to something that is luxurious, sensual, or characterized by indulgence, often relating to physical beauty or pleasure.

  • The voluptuous fabric of the dress draped elegantly on her figure.
  • The painting depicted a voluptuous landscape filled with vibrant colors.
  • She enjoyed the voluptuous experience of a day at the spa.


Words in Use

The Transformation of Arthur: From Pretentiousness to Authenticity

In a small town, there lived a man named Arthur who was known for his pretentious and pedantic nature. He had a penchant for using prolix and pontifical language, often leaving others bewildered by his verbose speeches. His supercilious demeanor and sardonic remarks made him quite unpopular among the townsfolk.

Despite his reputation, Arthur was pertinacious in his pursuit of knowledge. He spent hours in the local library, poring over books and indulging in his sedulous quest for intellectual superiority. However, his efforts were often seen as puerile and unnecessary by others, who found his obsession with erudition rather tiresome.

The townspeople, tired of Arthur’s haughty behavior, became recalcitrant and restive in his presence. They grew weary of his ribald jokes and his constant need to showcase his intellect. They longed for a more quiescent and harmonious atmosphere in their community.

One day, a new resident named Emily arrived in town. She was known for her down-to-earth nature and her ability to bring people together. Unlike Arthur, she was humble and approachable, never seeking to impress others with her knowledge.

Emily’s presence had a transformative effect on the town. Her genuine kindness and warmth created a sense of camaraderie among the townsfolk. They found solace in her simplicity and authenticity, which stood in stark contrast to Arthur’s pretentiousness.

As time went on, Arthur began to realize the error of his ways. He saw how his pedantic and pontifical behavior had alienated him from the community. Determined to change, he embarked on a personal journey of self-reflection and growth.

Arthur shed his supercilious attitude and embraced a more humble and genuine demeanor. He learned to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and to value the connections he formed with others. No longer prolix in his speech, he became a better listener and a more considerate member of the community.

The townspeople, initially skeptical of Arthur’s transformation, gradually accepted him back into their fold. They saw his efforts to change and recognized the sincerity behind his actions. The once-sleazy reputation he had earned was replaced with a newfound respect.

In the end, Arthur’s journey taught him that true knowledge and wisdom lie not in pretentiousness, but in the ability to connect with others on a deeper level. He realized that being pedantic and pertinacious only served to isolate him, while embracing humility and authenticity allowed him to find true fulfillment and acceptance.

From that day forward, Arthur and Emily worked together to create a more harmonious and inclusive community. Their combined efforts brought about a transformation that touched the lives of everyone in the town. And as they embraced the beauty of simplicity and genuine connections, they discovered a more voluptuous and meaningful way of living.

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