
Assemble means to bring together individual parts or components to create a complete whole. This can refer to the process of putting together physical items such as furniture, machinery, or toys, as well as to the gathering of people for a common purpose.

In manufacturing, assembly refers to the process of combining individual parts to create a finished product. This can involve using tools, machinery, and manual labor, to ensure that the final product is functional and meets quality standards.

In the arts, assemble can refer to bringing together performers to create a collective work of art, such as a choir or theater group. In this context, the term highlights individuals coming together to create something greater than themselves.

Assemble can also refer to gathering individuals for a common purpose or cause, such as a political rally or protest. In this context, the term emphasizes the importance of coming together for a shared goal.

To assemble means to gather or bring together various parts or people to form a whole, typically for a specific purpose or function.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The team quickly assembled in the meeting room to discuss the urgent project.
  2. Workers were instructed to assemble the pieces of the furniture according to the provided instructions.
  3. Families from the neighborhood will assemble at the park for the community picnic.
  4. Protesters planned to assemble peacefully in front of the government building.
  5. It took hours to assemble the intricate model from the numerous components.
  6. The orchestra will assemble on stage for the evening performance.
  7. Participants will assemble at the starting line before the charity run begins.
  8. The volunteers will assemble care packages for the homeless during the weekend.
  9. Students were asked to assemble in the auditorium for the special announcement.
  10. The convention center will host thousands of people who will assemble for the annual conference.


  • Gather: mengumpulkan
  • Convene: mengumpulkan
  • Collect: mengumpulkan
  • Mobilize: membawa bersama
  • Amass: mengumpulkan
  • Compile: menyusun
  • Cluster: berkumpul
  • Muster: mengumpulkan
  • Rally: berkumpul
  • Form: membentuk


  • Disperse: menyebarkan
  • Scatter: menyebarkan
  • Distribute: mendistribusikan
  • Break up: memecah
  • Disband: membubarkan
  • Dissolve: melarutkan
  • Separate: memisahkan
  • Divide: membagi
  • Fragment: memecah
  • Disassemble: membongkar

Derived Words:

  • Assembly: pertemuan, rapat
  • Assembler: pengumpul, pemasang

Related Words:

  • Gathering: pertemuan
  • Collection: koleksi
  • Meeting: pertemuan
  • Cluster: kelompok

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Assemble for: berkumpul untuk
  • Assemble at: berkumpul di
  • Assemble into: membentuk menjadi

Common Expressions:

  • Assemble a team: membentuk tim
  • Assemble evidence: mengumpulkan bukti

Related Idioms:

  • A house divided against itself cannot stand: rumah yang terbagi tidak akan bertahan
  • Many hands make light work: banyak tangan membuat pekerjaan ringan
  • United we stand, divided we fall: bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh

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