Bad Habit

Bad Habit

Everybody has some personal habits that she or he would like to get rid of, and I am no exception. Eating too much is my number one bad habit. This is a difficult habit to break, and as a result, I am always on a diet. Twirling my hair is another bad habit. Whenever I am nervous or uncomfortable, I fall back into this childhood pattern. Whenever I am exhausted, I have the terrible habit of talking too much and saying foolish things. This habit is something I always regret the next day.

Other people have habits that I don’t like either. Students who click their ballpoint pens in class drive me up a wall. People who don’t move to the rear of a bus and who block the doors are one of my pet peeves. People who don’t put the cap back on a tube of toothpaste are another source of irritation. I find this habit very annoying. Unfortunately, we all do things unconsciously that bother other people, but nobody is perfect.

  • To get rid of: Menyingkirkan
  • Twirl: Berputar-putar
  • Twirling my hair: Memutar-mutar rambut saya
  • Terrible: Mengerikan
  • Drive me up a wall: Membuat saya gila
  • One of my pet peeves: Salah satu hal yang sangat mengganggu saya
  • Peeved: Kesal
  • Source of irritation: Sumber iritasi
  • annoying: menyebalkan

Comprehension Question

  1. Does everybody have bad habits he or she would like to get rid of?
  2. What is your number one bad habit?
  3. What is another bad habit?
  4. When do you do this?
  5. What do you do whenever you are tired?
  6. What kind of students drive you up a wall?
  7. What kind of people on a bus irritated you?
  8. How do you feel about people who leave a tube of toothpaste uncapped?
  9. Do we all do things that bother other people?
  10. Why do we do these things?

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