“Balderdash” is a term used to describe senseless, absurd, or foolish talk or ideas. It denotes something that is nonsensical, often used to dismiss statements or notions as trivial or ridiculous.
Sample Sentences:
- The explanation given by the conspiracy theorist was nothing but pure balderdash.
- His excuses for being late were a load of balderdash; nobody believed him.
- Stop filling the report with balderdash and present the facts.
- The politician’s promises sounded like political balderdash during the campaign.
- The whole story about aliens was sheer balderdash; there was no evidence.
- When questioned about the missing funds, his responses were filled with balderdash.
- The self-help book was full of motivational balderdash but lacked practical advice.
- I can’t listen to your financial advice; it sounds like complete balderdash to me.
- Her scientific explanation turned out to be nothing but balderdash upon closer inspection.
- The new policy announcement seemed like a lot of bureaucratic balderdash.
- Nonsense (Omong kosong)
- Gibberish (Omong kosong)
- Drivel (Omong kosong)
- Poppycock (Omong kosong)
- Twaddle (Omong kosong)
- Hokum (Omong kosong)
- Malarkey (Omong kosong)
- Absurdity (Ketidakberartian)
- Rubbish (Sampah)
- Bullshit (Omong kosong)
- Sense (Akal)
- Logic (Logika)
- Validity (Validitas)
- Rationality (Rasionalitas)
- Coherence (Kesesuaian)
- Truth (Kebenaran)
- Soundness (Ketegasan)
- Legitimacy (Legitimitas)
- Clarity (Ketajaman)
- Sensibility (Kewajaran)
Derived Words:
- Balderdasher (Seseorang yang suka bicara omong kosong)
Related Words:
- Blather (Omong kosong)
- Gobbledygook (Bahasa yang sulit dimengerti)
- Jargon (Bahasa khusus)
Phrasal Verbs:
- Balderdash away (Bicara omong kosong)
Common Expressions:
- Cut the balderdash! (Berhenti bicara omong kosong!)
- It’s all balderdash! (Semua itu omong kosong!)
Related Idioms:
- Talk a load of old balderdash (Berbicara omong kosong)