

“Batter” has multiple meanings, but one common usage is as a verb to describe the action of repeatedly striking something with force. It can also refer to a mixture of flour, eggs, and liquid used in cooking to coat or cover food before frying or baking. As a noun, “batter” can indicate a baseball player who is about to bat or the physical damage or erosion caused by continuous striking or weathering.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The blacksmith continued to batter the hot metal until it took the desired shape.
  2. Waves from the storm began to batter the shoreline, causing erosion.
  3. The chef decided to batter the fish with a seasoned flour mixture before frying.
  4. The boxer managed to batter his opponent with a series of powerful punches.
  5. The relentless rain began to batter the roof, creating a rhythmic sound.
  6. The baseball player stepped up to the plate, ready to batter the incoming pitch.
  7. The strong winds threatened to batter the fragile tent in the camping site.
  8. She chose to batter the chicken wings with a spicy marinade for extra flavor.
  9. The old building’s walls showed signs of battering from years of exposure to the elements.
  10. The protesters used wooden planks to batter the doors of the government building.


  • Beat: Memukul
  • Strike: Menyerang
  • Pummel: Memukul dengan keras
  • Pound: Memukul
  • Thrash: Memukul-mukul
  • Assault: Menyerang
  • Hit: Menyambar
  • Bash: Memukul
  • Wallop: Memukul dengan keras
  • Clobber: Memukul keras


  • Caress: Mengelus
  • Soothe: Menyembuhkan
  • Gentle: Lembut
  • Protect: Melindungi
  • Nurture: Merawat
  • Heal: Menyembuhkan
  • Mend: Memperbaiki
  • Shield: Melindungi
  • Defend: Membela
  • Cherish: Menjaga dengan penuh kasih sayang

Derived Words:

  • Battered: Terpukul
  • Battering ram: Palu pemukul
  • Batterer: Penyerang
  • Battering-ramming: Memukul dengan palu pemukul
  • Unbattered: Tidak terpukul
  • Battering-rammed: Dipukul dengan palu pemukul
  • Battering-rammer: Pemukul palu pemukul
  • Battering-ramming: Memukul dengan palu pemukul
  • Batteredness: Kehancuran
  • Battering down: Membanting

Related Words:

  • Impact: Dampak
  • Damage: Kerusakan
  • Erosion: Erosi
  • Distress: Kesulitan
  • Abuse: Penyalahgunaan
  • Blows: Pukulan
  • Assault: Serangan
  • Wear: Aus
  • Deterioration: Kerusakan
  • Striking: Menyerang

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Batter down: Membanting
  • Batter away: Memukul terus-menerus
  • Batter into: Memukul masuk
  • Batter up: Bersiap untuk memukul (dalam permainan baseball)
  • Batter out: Membanting keluar
  • Batter against: Memukul dengan keras ke arah
  • Batter through: Memukul terus menerus hingga melewati
  • Batter along: Memukul sepanjang
  • Batter into shape: Membentuk dengan pukulan
  • Batter around: Membanting ke sana kemari

Common Expressions:

  • Batter the competition: Mengalahkan pesaing
  • Batter someone into submission: Memukul seseorang hingga menyerah
  • Batter down the door: Membanting pintu
  • Batter into pieces: Memukul menjadi pecahan
  • Batter with questions: Menanyai dengan pertanyaan
  • Batter against the waves: Memukul melawan gelombang
  • Batter with criticism: Menyampaikan kritik
  • Batter someone’s confidence: Merusak kepercayaan diri seseorang
  • Batter with a barrage of punches: Memukul dengan serangkaian pukulan
  • Batter with accusations: Menyerang dengan tuduhan

Related Idioms:

  • “Batter someone’s defenses”: Meruntuhkan pertahanan seseorang
  • “Batter down the hatches”: Bersiap untuk menghadapi badai
  • “Batter up!”: Bersiap untuk memukul (dalam baseball)
  • “Batter out of the park”: Memukul dengan hebat
  • “Like a battering ram”: Seperti palu pemukul
  • “Batter the doors down”: Membanting pintu hingga rusak
  • “Batter someone’s spirit”: Merusak semangat seseorang
  • “Batter someone with words”: Menyakiti seseorang dengan kata-kata
  • “Batter the opposition”: Menghancurkan lawan
  • “Batter into submission”: Memukul hingga menyerah

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