“Battered” describes something that has been repeatedly struck, damaged, or subjected to rough treatment, resulting in visible signs of wear and tear. This term is commonly used to refer to objects, surfaces, or individuals that have endured significant physical or emotional stress, often manifesting in a worn, damaged, or bruised condition.
Sample Sentences:
- The old, battered book showed the signs of decades of use.
- Her battered suitcase bore witness to the numerous journeys it had endured.
- The abandoned house stood with its battered windows and crumbling walls.
- The soldier returned with a battered helmet, a testament to the intensity of the battle.
- After the storm, the coastline was littered with battered boats and debris.
- His battered car struggled to start after the accident.
- The once vibrant city mural now appeared faded and battered.
- The hiker emerged from the forest with a battered backpack and tired eyes.
- The battered door creaked open, revealing a neglected interior.
- The rescue team found a battered dog abandoned on the roadside.
- Battered: babak belur
- Beaten: Dipukul
- Worn: Usang
- Damaged: Rusak
- Bruised: Memar
- Tattered: Sobek
- Shabby: Lusuh
- Weathered: Terkena cuaca
- Scratched: Tergores
- Torn: Robek
- Deteriorated: Memburuk
- Intact: Utuh
- Unscathed: Tidak terluka
- Undamaged: Tidak rusak
- Unblemished: Tidak bercacat
- Pristine: Sempurna
- Unspoiled: Tidak tercemar
- New: Baru
- Unharmed: Tidak terluka
- Perfect: Sempurna
- Sound: Utuh
Derived Words:
- Batteredness: Kehancuran
- Battering: Pemukulan
- Unbattered: Tidak terpukul
- Batterable: Dapat dipukul
- Battering ram: Palu pemukul
- Battered goods: Barang-barang yang rusak
- Battered condition: Kondisi rusak
- Battered appearance: Penampilan yang rusak
- Battered vehicle: Kendaraan yang rusak
- Battered surface: Permukaan yang rusak
Related Words:
- Abused: Disiksa
- Misused: Disalahgunakan
- Neglected: Ditinggalkan
- Deterioration: Kerusakan
- Wear and tear: Aus dan robek
- Fatigued: Letih
- Shattered: Hancur berkeping-keping
- Broken: Patah
- Scarred: Terluka
- Aged: Tua
Phrasal Verbs:
- Beat up: Dipukul
- Wear out: Mengauskan
- Break down: Rusak
- Tear apart: Merobek
- Knock around: Menyiksa
- Run down: Merusak
- Run over: Terlindas
- Wear down: Mengikis
- Bump into: Bertabrakan dengan
- Knock about: Memukul-mukul
Common Expressions:
- Show the wear and tear: Menunjukkan tanda-tanda aus dan robek
- Be worse for wear: Dalam keadaan buruk
- Look worse for wear: Terlihat buruk
- Take a beating: Menerima pukulan
- Bear the brunt: Menanggung beban utama
- Show signs of damage: Menunjukkan tanda-tanda kerusakan
- Suffer the effects: Menderita efek
- Look like it’s been through the wringer: Terlihat seperti telah melewati cuci tangan
- Seen better days: Pernah melihat hari yang lebih baik
- Run down and battered: Terlunta-lunta dan rusak
Related Idioms:
- “The worse for wear”: Dalam kondisi buruk
- “Like a bull in a china shop”: Seperti banteng di toko porselen
- “Weather the storm”: Menjalani masa sulit
- “In the line of fire”: Dalam garis tembak
- “Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve”: Menunjukkan perasaan terbuka
- “Out of the frying pan, into the fire”: Dari segala penyelamatan, bencana datang lagi
- “A chip off the old block”: Menurun dari orang tua
- “Like a moth to a flame”: Seperti ngengat pada api
- “Cry over spilled milk”: Menyesali hal yang sudah terjadi
- “As good as new”: Sebaik baru