The term “beadle” traditionally refers to a ceremonial officer or a minor official who is responsible for maintaining order and assisting in religious or civic events. Historically, beadles were often associated with churches, where they would oversee the smooth functioning of ceremonies and assist the clergy. In some contexts, beadles were also responsible for enforcing discipline, serving as messengers, or handling administrative tasks. Today, the term is less commonly used, but it still carries connotations of an assistant or an official with ceremonial duties.
In Indonesian, the equivalent term for “beadle” is “juru kunci” or “pengawas upacara.”
Sample sentences using the term “beadle”:
- The beadle led the procession to the church, carrying the ceremonial staff.
- The church appointed a new beadle to assist the priest during religious ceremonies.
- The beadle’s responsibility was to ensure order and decorum among the congregation.
- The headmaster relied on the school’s beadle to manage student attendance during events.
- The beadle announced the commencement of the graduation ceremony with a loud bell.
- In the medieval period, the beadle played a vital role in church rituals and rituals.
- The beadle’s uniform distinguished him as an official representative of the institution.
- During the town’s festivities, the beadle coordinated the parade and directed participants.
- The beadle was known for his punctuality and attention to detail in all his duties.
- As the event organizer, I assigned a beadle to ensure a smooth flow of activities.
- Usher
- Attendant
- Verger
- Ceremonial officer
- Official
- Disorganizer
- Non-official
Related Words:
- Ceremony
- Church
- Order
- Discipline
- Messenger
Phrasal Verbs:
- Maintain order
- Assist in ceremonies
- Enforce discipline
- Carry out duties
- Coordinate events
- None found
Conclusion: The article explains that “beadle” refers to a ceremonial officer or minor official involved in maintaining order and assisting in religious or civic events, often associated with churches. It provides the Indonesian equivalent of the term, indicating its usage in the language. Ten sample sentences illustrate its application in various contexts. The lists of synonyms, antonyms, related words, and phrasal verbs offer insights into the term’s characteristics and role. The absence of idioms suggests that “beadle” might not be commonly used in figurative expressions. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive understanding of the term “beadle” and its historical significance in ceremonial and administrative functions.