“Beelzebub” is a noun with historical and religious origins, often used as a synonym for the devil or a high-ranking demon in various traditions, including Christianity. The name is derived from the Philistine god Baal-Zebub, mentioned in the Bible, and has become associated with Satan over time. In literary and cultural contexts, Beelzebub is sometimes used as a metaphor for evil or malevolent forces.
Sample Sentences:
- In Christian theology, Beelzebub is often referred to as one of the chief demons.
- The protagonist in the novel faced a moral dilemma, symbolized by a temptation presented by Beelzebub.
- Legends and folklore often depict Beelzebub as a cunning and deceitful adversary.
- The cult believed they could summon Beelzebub through a dark ritual.
- The haunted house was rumored to be a gathering place for followers of Beelzebub.
- The ancient texts describe Beelzebub as a tempter who leads individuals astray.
- The play explored themes of redemption and the struggle against the influence of Beelzebub.
- Superstitions warn against invoking the name of Beelzebub in rituals or spells.
- The character in the horror movie made a pact with Beelzebub for power and wealth.
- The painting depicted a sinister scene with Beelzebub presiding over a realm of darkness.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Satan: Setan
- Devil: Iblis
- Lucifer: Lucifer
- Evil Spirit: Roh jahat
- Malevolent Being: Makhluk jahat
- Demon: Setan
- Dark Force: Kekuatan gelap
- Adversary: Musuh
- Tempter: Penggoda
- Prince of Darkness: Pangeran kegelapan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Angel: Malaikat
- Saint: Santo
- Divine Being: Makhluk Ilahi
- Good Spirit: Roh baik
- Virtuous Being: Makhluk berbudi luhur
- Benevolent Force: Kekuatan baik
- Righteous Being: Makhluk berbudi baik
- Guardian Angel: Malaikat penjaga
- Holy Spirit: Roh Kudus
- Celestial Being: Makhluk surga
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Beelzebubian: Terkait dengan Beelzebub
- Beelzebubic: Bersifat seperti Beelzebub
- Beelzebubism: Ajaran atau kepercayaan terhadap Beelzebub
- Beelzebubianism: Ajaran atau kepercayaan terhadap Beelzebub
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Demonology: Demonologi
- Occultism: Okultisme
- Temptation: Godaan
- Malevolence: Kejahatan
- Darkness: Kegelapan
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Conjure Beelzebub: Memanggil Beelzebub
- Invoke the name of Beelzebub: Menyebut nama Beelzebub
- Make a pact with Beelzebub: Membuat perjanjian dengan Beelzebub
- Resist Beelzebub’s influence: Menolak pengaruh Beelzebub
- Worship Beelzebub: Memuja Beelzebub
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Deal with Beelzebub: Berurusan dengan Beelzebub
- Dance with Beelzebub: Menari bersama Beelzebub
- Temptation of Beelzebub: Godaan Beelzebub
- Pact with Beelzebub: Perjanjian dengan Beelzebub
- Realm of Beelzebub: Kerajaan Beelzebub
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- The devil is in the details: Setan berada dalam rincian
- The devil’s advocate: Pembela setan
- Speak of the devil: Berbicara tentang setan
- Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t: Lebih baik setan yang Anda kenal daripada setan yang tidak Anda kenal
- The devil makes work for idle hands: Setan membuat pekerjaan untuk tangan yang malas