“Big talk” refers to boasting, making grandiose statements, or expressing confidence in a way that might exceed reality. It often involves making bold promises or claims without substantial backing.
Sample Sentences:
- Despite his lack of experience, his interview was filled with impressive big talk.
- The politician’s speeches were characterized by empty big talk and minimal action.
- The entrepreneur’s pitch was marked by grand promises and overconfident big talk.
- His habit of engaging in big talk without delivering on promises alienated his colleagues.
- The athlete’s pre-match interview was filled with bold big talk about victory.
- The manager discouraged any form of empty big talk during team meetings, emphasizing tangible results.
- The artist’s constant big talk about upcoming projects created skepticism among critics.
- Despite his charming demeanor, his constant big talk about future success raised eyebrows.
- The student’s constant big talk about academic achievements didn’t align with actual performance.
- The seminar was filled with speakers engaging in exaggerated big talk about their accomplishments.
- Bragging – Megumbar
- Boasting – Memamerkan
- Grandiloquence – Pembicaraan berlebihan
- Swaggering – Bersikap angkuh
- Exaggeration – Penyajian yang berlebihan
- Flaunting – Mengejek
- Vaunting – Mengejek
- Displaying – Menunjukkan
- Crowing – Bersorak-sorai
- Exulting – Bersukacita
- Humility – Kerendahan hati
- Modesty – Kesederhanaan
- Subtlety – Keterbukaan
- Self-effacement – Mengurangi diri sendiri
- Unpretentiousness – Sifat yang tidak sombong
- Understatement – Pernyataan yang merendahkan
- Shyness – Kehalu-halan
- Reserve – Kekurang-beranian
- Timidity – Kehalusan
- Silence – Keheningan
Derived Words:
- Big-talker – Orang yang suka bicara besar atau berlebihan
Related Words:
- Confidence – Keyakinan
- Ego – Ego
- Vanity – Kesombongan
- Arrogance – Kesombongan
- Swagger – Kesombongan
Phrasal Verbs:
- Engage in big talk – Terlibat dalam bicara besar
- Deliver on big talk – Melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan perkataan besar
Common Expressions:
- Display of big talk – Tampilan bicara besar
- Talk the big talk – Bicara besar atau berlebihan
Related Idioms:
- All talk and no action – Banyak bicara tapi tidak ada tindakan.
- Blow one’s own horn – Memuji diri sendiri secara berlebihan.