Blue humor refers to jokes, comedy, or remarks that are indecent, vulgar, risqué, or sexually explicit. This type of humor is often intended for adult audiences due to its inappropriate nature, touching on taboo subjects like sex, bodily functions, or other sensitive topics. Blue humor is frequently used in stand-up comedy, late-night shows, or settings where performers push boundaries to provoke laughter, sometimes at the risk of offending listeners. It contrasts with clean or family-friendly humor.
Example Sentences Using Blue Humor:
- The comedian’s routine was filled with blue humor, making it unsuitable for children.
- Some people love blue humor, but others find it offensive and distasteful.
- His performance relied heavily on blue humor, with jokes about relationships and adult themes.
- The stand-up club was known for hosting comedians who specialized in blue humor.
- She avoided using blue humor in her act to appeal to a broader audience.
- While his blue humor made some people laugh, others left the room in discomfort.
- The movie’s dialogue is packed with blue humor, earning it an R rating.
- The writer’s use of blue humor gave the sitcom its edgy reputation.
- During the late-night show, the host’s blue humor pushed the boundaries of what’s acceptable on TV.
- He toned down the blue humor after receiving complaints from the audience.
Synonyms for Blue Humor:
- Vulgar humor
- Risqué humor
- Crude humor
- Dirty jokes
- Off-color humor
- Obscene comedy
- Smutty jokes
- Lewd humor
- Salacious humor
- X-rated humor
Antonyms for Blue Humor:
- Clean humor
- Family-friendly comedy
- Wholesome jokes
- Innocent humor
- G-rated humor
- Lighthearted comedy
- Appropriate humor
- Polite humor
Related Words:
- Profane
- Indecent
- Explicit
- Offensive
- Tasteless
- Adult-oriented
- Lowbrow humor
- Scandalous comedy
Phrasal Verbs:
- Cross the line (e.g., His jokes crossed the line into blue humor territory.)
- Push the envelope (e.g., She loves to push the envelope with her blue humor.)
- Tone down (e.g., The performer was asked to tone down his blue humor for the event.)
Idiomatic Expressions:
- “Not safe for work (NSFW)” (often used to describe blue humor online)
- “Off-color jokes” (humor that is inappropriate or risqué)
- “Working blue” (used in comedy to describe performing with blue humor)
- “Go low” (resorting to crude or indecent humor)
- “Sail close to the wind” (pushing boundaries of acceptable humor)
Let me know if you’d like additional examples or further elaboration!