“Boastfulness” refers to the habit or tendency of making excessive and proud statements about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities, often intending to impress others or gain recognition.
Sample Sentences:
- His constant boastfulness about his wealth alienated many of his friends.
- The athlete’s post-game interview was marked by a touch of humility, avoiding unnecessary boastfulness.
- The entrepreneur’s relentless boastfulness about his success grated on his colleagues.
- The student’s constant boastfulness about grades created an air of arrogance in the classroom.
- Despite his achievements, the professor avoided any hint of boastfulness in his lectures.
- The politician’s speeches were filled with empty promises and unabashed boastfulness.
- The actor’s backstage boastfulness about his talent raised eyebrows among the crew.
- The artist’s constant boastfulness about his work’s brilliance overshadowed other contributors.
- Her persistent boastfulness in social situations made her less approachable to others.
- The manager discouraged any form of boastfulness among team members, emphasizing collaboration.
- Bragging – Megumbar
- Self-praise – Memuji diri sendiri
- Vaunting – Mengejek
- Swaggering – Bersikap angkuh
- Exaggeration – Penyajian yang berlebihan
- Grandiloquence – Pembicaraan berlebihan
- Ostentation – Kesombongan
- Self-glorification – Pemulihaan diri sendiri
- Conceit – Kesombongan
- Overstatement – Pernyataan berlebihan
- Humility – Kerendahan hati
- Modesty – Kesederhanaan
- Subtlety – Keterbukaan
- Self-effacement – Mengurangi diri sendiri
- Unpretentiousness – Sifat yang tidak sombong
- Understatement – Pernyataan yang merendahkan
- Shyness – Kehalu-halan
- Reserve – Kekurang-beranian
- Timidity – Kehalusan
- Silence – Keheningan
Derived Words:
- Boastful – Sombong atau berlebihan
Related Words:
- Pride – Kebanggaan
- Ego – Ego
- Vanity – Kesombongan
- Arrogance – Kesombongan
- Swagger – Kesombongan
Phrasal Verbs:
- Boast about – Memamerkan
- Boast of – Memuji
- Boast in – Bersikap sombong dalam
Common Expressions:
- Engage in boastfulness – Terlibat dalam memamerkan diri
- Display of boastfulness – Tampilan memamerkan diri
Related Idioms:
- Blow one’s own horn – Memuji diri sendiri secara berlebihan.
- Sing one’s own praises – Memuji diri sendiri secara berlebihan.