

“Booze” is a colloquial term used to refer to alcoholic beverages, especially those consumed for the purpose of intoxication. It encompasses various types of alcoholic drinks, including beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails. The term is often informal and can carry different connotations based on the context.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The partygoers enjoyed a night of booze and celebration.
  2. After a long week, he decided to unwind with a glass of his favorite booze.
  3. The pub was filled with the lively chatter of patrons sipping on their preferred booze.
  4. They decided to grab some booze and have a quiet evening at home.
  5. The group of friends gathered at the bar to share stories over a round of booze.
  6. The festival featured a variety of local booze for attendees to sample.
  7. Some people use booze as a means of relaxation after a stressful day.
  8. The host provided an assortment of snacks to accompany the selection of booze.
  9. The wedding reception was filled with laughter, dancing, and plenty of booze.
  10. The old friends reminisced about the past while enjoying a few rounds of booze.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Alcohol: alkohol
  • Liquor: minuman keras
  • Spirits: minuman beralkohol
  • Drinks: minuman
  • Libation: minuman beralkohol
  • Intoxicants: minuman keras
  • Brew: minuman hasil fermentasi
  • Beverage: minuman
  • Cider: sari apel
  • Tipple: minum-minuman keras

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Non-alcoholic: non-alkohol
  • Soft drink: minuman non-alkohol
  • Juice: jus
  • Water: air
  • Sobriety: keberesan
  • Abstention: menahan diri
  • Moderation: pengendalian diri
  • Teetotalism: teetotalisme (tidak minum alkohol sama sekali)
  • Temperance: kebijaksanaan dalam minum-minuman keras

Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Boozer: peminum
  • Boozing: minum-minuman keras

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Drunkenness: mabuk
  • Inebriation: pengaruh alkohol
  • Tavern: rumah minum
  • Brewery: tempat pembuatan minuman beralkohol
  • Pub: tempat minum

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Booze up: minum-minuman keras
  • Booze down: menahan diri dari minum-minuman keras

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Hit the bottle: minum-minuman keras
  • Raise a glass: mengangkat gelas
  • Toast: bersulang
  • Bottoms up: habis gelas
  • Have a drink: minum

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Hair of the dog: minum minuman keras untuk mengurangi efek mabuk
  • Wet one’s whistle: minum-minuman keras
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