“Braggadocio” is a noun that refers to boastful or arrogant behavior, where someone excessively brags or boasts about their achievements, abilities, or possessions. It involves an inflated sense of self-importance and a tendency to exaggerate one’s accomplishments to impress or intimidate others.
In Indonesian, the equivalent term for “braggadocio” is “keangkuhan” or “ketabahan.”
Example sentences using “braggadocio”:
- His constant braggadocio about his wealth and success made him unpopular among his peers.
- The athlete’s braggadocio in interviews turned off many fans who found it off-putting.
- Despite his lack of real achievements, he continued to engage in braggadocio to boost his image.
- Her braggadocio about her intelligence and talents annoyed her classmates.
- The manager’s braggadocio about the team’s performance was seen as empty boasting.
- The politician’s braggadocio about his plans for the country lacked concrete details.
- The salesperson’s braggadocio about the product’s capabilities proved to be misleading.
- The comedian’s braggadocio onstage was all part of his act to entertain the audience.
- The CEO’s braggadocio in board meetings overshadowed his inability to address company issues.
- His constant braggadocio was a way to mask his insecurities and low self-esteem.
- Bragging
- Boastfulness
- Vainglory
- Boasting – Pamer
- Swagger – Berjalan dengan sombong
- Bluster – Bersikap keras dan berapi-api
- Bombast – Bualan besar
- Grandiosity – Kesombongan besar
- Vainglory – Kecongkakan
- Cockiness – Keangkuhan
- Overconfidence – Kelebihan keyakinan
- Ostentation – Pamer
- Pretentiousness – Keangkuhan
- Swank – Gayanya yang sombong
- Showiness – Pertunjukkan diri
- Conceit – Kesombongan
- Big talk – Bicara besar
- Hot air – Angin panas
- Reserve
- Shyness
- Modesty – Kesederhanaan
- Humble – Sederhana
- Reservedness – Kekurang-beranian
- Self-effacement – Pengurangan diri
- Humility – Kerendahan hati
- Down-to-earth – Praktis dan sederhana
- Self-deprecation – Merendahkan diri sendiri
- Unassuming – Tidak mengada-ada
- Subdued – Tidak mencolok
- Unpretentiousness – Sifat yang tidak sombong
- Understated – Tidak mencolok
- Demureness – Sikap lembut dan sopan
- Simple – Sederhana
- Unboastful – Tidak suka membanggakan
- Unpretending – Tidak bersikap berlebihan
Related Words:
- Egotism
- Conceit
- Narcissism
- Boast – Memuji-muji
- Swagger – Berjalan dengan sombong
- Braggart – Pemamer
- Vainglorious – Penuh kecongkakan
- Conceit – Kesombongan
- Bluster – Bersikap keras dan berapi-api
- Ostentation – Pamer
- Bombast – Bualan besar
- Overconfidence – Kelebihan keyakinan
- Pride – Kebanggaan
- Showoff – Pamer
- Grandiosity – Kesombongan besar
- Flashiness – Kesombongan mencolok
- Self-aggrandizement – Pembesaran diri sendiri
- Exaggeration – Penyajian yang berlebihan
Phrasal Verbs:
- Engage in braggadocio
- Exhibit braggadocio
- Show off – Memamerkan diri
- Talk up – Bicara besar tentang
- Blow one’s own horn – Meniup terompet sendiri
- Flaunt around – Mengejek sekitar dengan sombong
- Flash about – Memamerkan dengan bangga
- Strut about – Berjalan dengan sombong
- Boast about – Membanggakan tentang
- Crow about – Bersikap sombong
- Swank around – Berlagak di sekitar
- Bray about – Bersikap sombong
- Parade around – Berparade di sekitar
- Vaunt about – Memamerkan diri
- Shoot one’s mouth off – Berkata-kata besar tanpa memikirkannya
- Flaunt oneself – Menunjukkan diri dengan bangga
- Gloat about – Bersukacita dengan sombong
- Full of braggadocio
- Exude braggadocio
- All bark and no bite – Bersikap keras tetapi tidak memiliki tindakan yang kuat.
- Blow one’s own trumpet – Memamerkan diri sendiri atau kemampuan.
- Big talk, small potatoes – Bicara besar tetapi tidak ada hasil yang nyata atau besar.
- Empty vessels make the most noise – Orang yang paling banyak bicara mungkin memiliki sedikit tindakan atau keterampilan nyata.
- Bite off more than one can chew – Mengambil tanggung jawab atau tugas yang terlalu besar untuk ditangani.
- Hot air – Bicara besar tanpa substansi atau tindakan nyata.
- All sizzle and no steak – Tampak menarik atau menjanjikan tetapi tanpa substansi atau tindakan yang nyata.
- Inflate one’s own importance – Membesar-besarkan pentingnya diri sendiri.
- Put on airs – Bersikap sombong atau congkak.
- The proof of the pudding is in the eating – Kualitas sesuatu hanya dapat diukur dengan melihat hasil atau tindakan nyata.
- Throw one’s weight around – Menggunakan kekuasaan atau pengaruh secara sombong.
- Talk the talk but not walk the walk – Bicara besar tetapi tidak mengikuti tindakan atau perbuatannya.
- Big frog in a small pond – Orang yang merasa sangat penting dalam lingkungan kecil.
- Blow smoke – Mengelabui atau berbohong untuk menutupi kekurangan.
- All glitter, no gold – Terlihat mengesankan tetapi tanpa substansi yang
Conclusion: The term “braggadocio” sheds light on the importance of humility and authenticity in our interactions with others. Understanding the concept of braggadocio allows us to recognize the negative impact of excessive boasting and self-aggrandizement. Encouraging genuine confidence and accomplishments can lead to more meaningful connections and respect from others. By valuing humility and avoiding braggadocio, we promote a culture of sincerity and appreciation for others’ genuine achievements. Embracing humility and acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses truthfully can contribute to a more harmonious and respectful society.