
Brewing refers to the process of preparing and producing beverages, especially alcoholic drinks such as beer or ale. It involves the fermentation of ingredients like grains or hops, usually with the addition of water and yeast. The art of brewing encompasses various steps, including mashing, boiling, fermenting, conditioning, and packaging. While brewing commonly relates to beer production, it can also extend to the preparation of other beverages, such as tea or coffee.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The microbrewery is currently brewing a special batch of craft beer for the upcoming festival.
  2. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen in the morning.
  3. The master brewer spent hours carefully brewing the perfect blend of hops and malt.
  4. We decided to try our hand at brewing our own beer at home using a DIY kit.
  5. The local pub is known for brewing its unique signature beer with a distinct flavor profile.
  6. The company is investing in state-of-the-art equipment for more efficient beer brewing.
  7. Traditional methods of brewing often involve natural fermentation without artificial additives.
  8. The ancient monks were pioneers in the art of brewing beer within monastery walls.
  9. She enjoys the calming ritual of brewing herbal teas from her garden.
  10. The craft brewery hosts tours where visitors can witness the entire brewing process.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Fermentation (Fermentasi)
  • Distillation (Distilasi)
  • Making (Pembuatan)
  • Production (Produksi)
  • Crafting (Pembuatan secara khusus)
  • Creating (Penciptaan)
  • Cooking (Memasak)
  • Infusing (Meracik)
  • Creating (Menciptakan)
  • Concocting (Menggabungkan)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Abstaining (Menahan diri)
  • Avoiding (Menghindari)
  • Neglecting (Mengabaikan)

Derived Words (Kata Turunan):

  • Brewer (Pembuat minuman)
  • Brewmaster (Ahli pembuatan minuman)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Brewery (Tempat pembuatan minuman)
  • Ferment (Fermentasi)
  • Wort (Cairan hasil perendaman malt)
  • Mash (Adonan fermentasi)
  • Yeast (Ragi)
  • Hops (Rimpang tanaman pembuat bir)
  • Ale (Minuman fermentasi beralkohol)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba):

  • Brew up (Meracik)
  • Brew on (Meracik secara mendalam)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Craft brewing (Pembuatan minuman khusus)
  • Home brewing (Pembuatan minuman di rumah)
  • Brewing process (Proses pembuatan minuman)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • “Brew a storm in a teacup” (Mengaduk-aduk masalah kecil)
  • “Brewing trouble” (Membuat masalah)

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