Brush it off

The idiomatic expression “brush it off” means to dismiss or ignore something negative, such as criticism, insults, mistakes, or disappointments, without allowing it to affect you emotionally. It conveys the idea of treating something unimportant as if it were dust on your shoulder—something you can quickly wipe away and move on from. People who brush things off display resilience, confidence, and a refusal to let negativity bring them down. This phrase is often used in contexts where someone overcomes a setback or disregard negativity with ease and composure.

Example Sentences

  1. After hearing the harsh comments, she just brushed it off and continued doing her best.
  2. He made a small mistake during the presentation but managed to brush it off and finish strong.
  3. The athlete brushed off the criticism from fans and stayed focused on improving.
  4. When they teased him about his outfit, he simply brushed it off and laughed along with them.
  5. Despite the rejection, she brushed it off and kept applying for her dream job.
  6. The comedian brushed off the hecklers and continued with his performance.
  7. He didn’t let the failed interview get to him; instead, he brushed it off and prepared for the next one.
  8. The teacher told her students to brush off their mistakes and learn from them.
  9. Even though the insult stung, he chose to brush it off rather than start an argument.
  10. When the child fell during the game, he brushed it off and got right back up to play.


  • Shake it off
  • Let it go
  • Disregard
  • Ignore
  • Dismiss
  • Overlook
  • Laugh it off
  • Move on
  • Shrug it off
  • Pay no attention


  • Take to heart
  • Dwell on
  • Fixate on
  • Be affected by
  • Obsess over
  • Hold onto
  • Brood over
  • Ruminate
  • Be upset by
  • Let it weigh you down

Related Words

  • Resilience
  • Composure
  • Confidence
  • Toughness
  • Emotional strength
  • Detachment
  • Nonchalance
  • Perseverance
  • Fortitude
  • Self-assurance

Related Phrasal Verbs

  • Shake it off: To quickly recover from something negative, similar to brushing it off.
  • Let it go: To stop dwelling on something upsetting and release it mentally.
  • Move on: To stop thinking about a setback and focus on what’s ahead.
  • Laugh it off: To respond to criticism or embarrassment with humor rather than frustration.
  • Get over: To recover emotionally from a setback or negative event.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • Water off a duck’s back: To describe criticism or negativity having no effect, much like brushing it off.
  • Take it with a grain of salt: To not take something too seriously or personally.
  • Roll with the punches: To adapt to adversity without becoming discouraged, similar to brushing it off.
  • Let it slide: To ignore something unpleasant or not take action against it.
  • Keep your chin up: To remain positive and not let negativity affect you.

The expression “brush it off” reflects an attitude of resilience and nonchalance in the face of negativity or setbacks. It encourages individuals to ignore criticism, failures, or minor troubles and to move forward without allowing such things to weigh them down. Synonyms like “shake it off,” “dismiss,” and “shrug it off” emphasize a similar idea of letting go and not being bothered. In contrast, antonyms such as “take to heart,” “fixate on,” or “dwell on” reflect an inability to move on emotionally. Related expressions like “water off a duck’s back” or “roll with the punches” further illustrate the importance of emotional strength and adaptability. Ultimately, brushing it off is about maintaining confidence, composure, and focus despite the negativity that may come your way.

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