

A brushstroke, like a whisper on canvas, leaves behind a trail of color and texture. It’s the artist’s dance with the brush, a fleeting touch that transforms blankness into worlds of vibrant hues and swirling emotions. It can be a whisper-thin line, a bold sweep of color, or a delicate dab of light, each stroke speaking volumes about the artist’s vision and the story they wish to tell.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The artist’s brushstrokes danced across the canvas, capturing the windswept beauty of the sea. (Goresan kuas)
  2. Each brushstroke in the portrait was deliberate, conveying the sitter’s wisdom and strength. (Sapuan kuas)
  3. The impressionist painter’s brushstrokes were loose and vibrant, capturing the fleeting light and movement of the scene. (Garis kuas)
  4. The child’s brushstrokes were bold and uninhibited, a joyous celebration of color and imagination. (Coretan kuas)
  5. The watercolorist’s brushstrokes were soft and delicate, blending colors like a gentle rain on petals. (Sapuan kuas)
  6. The old master’s brushstrokes were confident and assured, each one a testament to years of practice and passion. (Sentuhan kuas)
  7. The abstract painting was a symphony of brushstrokes, lines and shapes intertwining in a captivating dance. (Sapuan kuas)
  8. The artist’s brushstrokes were imbued with emotion, each one echoing the joy, sorrow, or anger they felt. (Goresan kuas)
  9. The brushstrokes were barely visible, yet they hinted at hidden depths, inviting the viewer to explore the mystery within. (Sentuhan kuas)
  10. The final brushstroke completed the masterpiece, a sigh of satisfaction escaping the artist’s lips. (Sentuhan akhir)


  • Stroke (Goresan)
  • Touch (Sentuhan)
  • Line (Garis)
  • Mark (Tanda)
  • Dab (Coretan)
  • Swipe (Sapuan)
  • Flourish (Hentakan)
  • Touch-up (Sentuhan akhir)
  • Swoosh (Kibasan)
  • Scribble (Coretan)


  • Erase (Menghapus)
  • Blur (Mengaburkan)
  • Conceal (Menyembunyikan)
  • Obscure (Mengaburkan)
  • Simplify (Menyederhanakan)
  • Flatten (Memperhalus)
  • Outline (Sketsa)
  • Fill (Mengisi)
  • Stencil (Cetakan)
  • Trace (Menjiplak)

Words Derived:

  • Brushwork (Teknik sapuan kuas)
  • Brushstroke-by-brushstroke (Sedikit demi sedikit)
  • Brushy (Penuh goresan kuas)

Related Words:

  • Painting (Lukisan)
  • Art (Seni)
  • Color (Warna)
  • Texture (Tekstur)
  • Technique (Teknik)
  • Style (Gaya)
  • Expression (Ekspresi)
  • Emotion (Emosi)
  • Creativity (Kreativitas)
  • Vision (Visi)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Lay down a brushstroke (Mulai melukis)
  • Add a brushstroke (Menambahkan detail)
  • Finish with a brushstroke (Menyempurnakan)
  • Erase a brushstroke (Mengubah)
  • Retouch a brushstroke (Memperbaiki)

Common Expressions:

  • A bold brushstroke (Goresan kuas yang berani)
  • A delicate brushstroke (Sapuan kuas yang halus)
  • A masterful brushstroke (Sentuhan kuas yang luar biasa)
  • The artist’s signature brushstroke (Ciri khas goresan kuas)
  • A painting told in brushstrokes (Lukisan yang diceritakan melalui goresan kuas)

Related Idioms:

  • Think outside the box (Berpikir kreatif)
  • Leave your mark (Meninggalkan jejak)
  • Add your two cents (Menyampaikan pendapat)
  • Make a difference (Berbuat perubahan)
  • Painting the town red (Berpesta por
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