Bulwark is a word that has been around since the 15th century and refers to a defensive wall or barrier. It can also refer to a person, group, or thing that serves as a protection or defense against something. Here are some sentences to clarify the definition of bulwark:
- The castle’s bulwark was designed to keep invaders out.
- The police officer was a bulwark against crime in the neighborhood.
- The community’s strong social support system served as a bulwark against poverty.
- The vaccine provides a bulwark against the spread of disease.
- The company’s legal team acted as a bulwark against lawsuits.
- The free press is a bulwark of democracy.
- The diplomatic corps served as a bulwark against international conflict.
- The levee acted as a bulwark against the floodwaters.
- The internet firewall is a bulwark against hackers and cyberattacks.
- The first amendment serves as a bulwark against government censorship.
Here are some synonyms of bulwark:
- Barrier: Penghalang atau rintangan
- Defense: Pertahanan atau perlindungan
- Shield: Perisai atau tameng
- Fortress: Benteng atau kubu pertahanan
- Rampart: Tembok pertahanan atau benteng
- Wall: Dinding atau tembok
- Protection: Perlindungan atau pelindung
- Safeguard: Pengaman atau pelindung
- Support: Dukungan atau penopang
- Sanctuary: Tempat perlindungan atau tempat suci
Here are some antonyms of bulwark:
- Weakness: Kelemahan atau ketidakmampuan
- Vulnerability: Kerentanan atau kelemahan
- Exposed: Terbuka atau terbuka
- Defenseless: Tak berdaya atau tidak berdaya
- Unprotected: Tidak dilindungi atau tidak terlindungi
- Insecurity: Ketidakamanan atau ketidakpastian
- Flawed: Cacat atau tidak sempurna
- Unreliable: Tidak dapat diandalkan atau tidak dapat dipercaya
- Unprepared: Tidak siap atau tidak mempersiapkan diri
- Perilous: Berbahaya atau penuh risiko
Here are some related words to bulwark:
- Bastion: Benteng atau kubu pertahanan
- Citadel: Benteng atau kota benteng
- Stronghold: Benteng atau kubu pertahanan
- Bulwarks: Tembok pertahanan atau benteng
- Embankment: Tanggul atau tembok penahan
- Redoubt: Benteng atau kubu pertahanan kecil
- Palisade: Palisade atau pagar kayu
- Stockade: Palisade atau pagar kayu
- Breastwork: Parapet atau tembok dada
- Parapet: Parapet atau tembok penahan
Here are some phrasal verbs with bulwark:
- Bulwark against: Pelindung atau penghalang terhadap
- Bulwark up: Membangun pertahanan atau penghalang
- Bulwark in: Membangun pertahanan atau penghalang di dalam
- Bulwark off: Membangun pertahanan atau penghalang untuk menghindari
- Bulwark out: Membangun pertahanan atau penghalang untuk menghentikan atau memadamkan
Here are some idioms with bulwark:
- Break down the bulwarks
- Man the bulwarks
- Raze the bulwarks
- Strike at the bulwarks
- Stand behind the bulwarks