The expression “bust a gut” is an informal idiom that means to laugh extremely hard or to put forth an extraordinary effort, often to the point of straining oneself physically. In the context of laughter, when someone is said to “bust a gut,” it emphasizes the intensity of their amusement, suggesting that the laughter is so robust that it feels as if one’s stomach or sides might burst. In a broader sense, it can also refer to exerting maximum effort in any task.
Sample Sentences:
- The stand-up comedian’s punchline was so unexpected that the entire audience couldn’t help but bust a gut with laughter.
- Every time she tells that story, I find myself busting a gut from the hilarity.
- The funny memes circulating online had people busting their guts with laughter.
- The comedy movie’s witty dialogue had the entire theater busting their guts with merriment.
- The comedian’s impersonation of famous personalities had the audience busting their guts at the comedy club.
- Despite the serious nature of the meeting, his amusing anecdote had everyone busting a gut with laughter.
- The unexpected twist in the sitcom had viewers busting their guts in surprise and amusement.
- The laughter-inducing banter between friends had them all busting their guts during the casual gathering.
- The humorous remarks in the workplace had colleagues busting their guts during the team meeting.
- The comedy skit’s clever writing had the actors busting their guts on stage, delivering an unforgettable performance.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Burst into laughter: Meledak tertawa
- Roar with laughter: Bergemuruh tertawa
- Break into laughter: Pecah tertawa
- Explode in laughter: Meledak tertawa
- Laugh out loud (LOL): Tertawa terbahak-bahak
- Have a laughing fit: Tertawa tanpa henti
- Laugh uncontrollably: Tertawa tanpa terkendali
- Be helpless with laughter: Tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena tertawa
- Laugh uproariously: Tertawa dengan keras
- Split one’s sides: Tertawa terbahak-bahak
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Remain serious: Tetap serius
- Suppress laughter: Menahan tawa
- Keep a straight face: Menjaga wajah datar
- Stay composed: Tetap tenang
- Resist the urge to laugh: Menahan keinginan untuk tertawa
- Maintain a stern demeanor: Menjaga sikap serius
- Keep a poker face: Menjaga wajah tanpa ekspresi
- Refrain from laughing: Menahan diri untuk tidak tertawa
- Control one’s amusement: Mengendalikan rasa lucu
- Resist the temptation to giggle: Menahan hasrat untuk cekikikan
Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Gut-buster: Pecah perut
- Gut-busting: Membuat pecah perut
- Gutsy: Berani
- Gutsiness: Keberanian
- Gutter: Saluran air
- Gutted: Merasa hancur
- Guttable: Dapat dipecahkan
- Gutted: Dihancurkan
- Guttering: Pemasangan saluran air
- Guttered: Merasa hancur
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Laughter: Tertawa
- Amusement: Hiburan
- Humor: Humor
- Chuckle: Tertawa pelan
- Guffaw: Tertawa terbahak-bahak
- Grin: Senyum lebar
- Smile: Senyum
- Joke: Lelucon
- Comedy: Komedi
- Wit: Kecerdasan
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Burst into laughter: Meledak tertawa
- Crack up: Tertawa terbahak-bahak
- Burst out laughing: Meledak tertawa
- Roar with laughter: Bergemuruh tertawa
- Explode in laughter: Meledak tertawa
- Break into laughter: Pecah tertawa
- Laugh out loud (LOL): Tertawa terbahak-bahak
- Have a laughing fit: Tertawa tanpa henti
- Laugh uncontrollably: Tertawa tanpa terkendali
- Be helpless with laughter: Tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena tertawa
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Can’t stop laughing: Tidak bisa berhenti tertawa
- Laughing uncontrollably: Tertawa tanpa terkendali
- Burst into fits of laughter: Meledak tertawa tanpa henti
- Laugh until one’s sides hurt: Tertawa hingga samping terasa sakit
- Laugh uproariously: Tertawa dengan keras
- Be convulsed with laughter: Terkejang-kejang karena tertawa
- Laugh oneself silly: Tertawa dengan gila
- Be helpless with laughter: Tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa karena tertawa
- Be in peals of laughter: Tertawa dengan keras
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Laugh all the way to the bank: Tertawa sepanjang jalan ke bank
- Laugh in someone’s face: Tertawa di depan wajah seseorang
- Laughter is the best medicine: Tertawa adalah obat terbaik
- Make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth: Membuat seseorang tertawa di sisi lain wajahnya
- Laugh up one’s sleeve: Tertawa dalam