“Captious” refers to a tendency to find fault or criticize trivial or insignificant matters. It describes someone who is overly critical, often in a nitpicky or fault-finding manner. The term implies a disposition to focus on minor flaws or discrepancies, and it can be used to describe someone who habitually seeks out reasons to complain or argue. “Captious” individuals tend to highlight imperfections or weaknesses, even when they are not central to the issue at hand.
In Indonesian, the equivalent term is “sulit puas,” which conveys the idea of being difficult to please.
Sample Sentences:
- Her captious comments about the presentation distracted from the main points.
- The captious customer seemed determined to find fault with every item.
- His captious attitude made it challenging to have a productive discussion.
- The captious coworker often criticized the smallest details of her colleagues’ work.
- The reviewer’s captious review focused more on grammar errors than the content.
- Dealing with captious individuals can be emotionally draining.
- The captious student questioned every aspect of the assignment.
- Her captious nature made it hard for her to enjoy anything without criticism.
- The captious tone of the email created unnecessary tension among the team.
- His captious behavior often led to unnecessary conflicts.
- Critical
- Fault-finding
- Nitpicky
- Hypercritical
- Accepting
- Tolerant
- Easygoing
Related Words:
- Criticism
- Perfectionism
- Scrutiny
- Hyperbole
Phrasal Verbs:
- Engage in captious criticism
- Respond captiously
- Pick apart
- Split hairs
Conclusion: In conclusion, “captious” describes a critical disposition focused on finding faults, often in trivial matters. The Indonesian term “sulit puas” aligns with the idea of being difficult to please. Through the provided sample sentences, synonyms, antonyms, related words, phrasal verbs, and idioms, we’ve explored the nuances of fault-finding behavior. “Captious” emphasizes the potential drawbacks of excessive criticism and the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective. It underscores the value of constructive feedback and choosing battles wisely to foster more effective communication and healthier relationships.