To categorize is to organize or arrange things into specific groups or categories based on shared characteristics, features, or criteria.
Sample Sentences:
- The librarian needed to categorize the books in the library according to genres.
- The biologist decided to categorize the newly discovered species based on their genetic similarities.
- The teacher asked the students to categorize the words into different parts of speech.
- The online store uses algorithms to automatically categorize products for efficient browsing.
- Historians often categorize historical events into distinct periods for analysis.
- The software allows users to easily categorize and organize their files for better accessibility.
- The botanist spent hours trying to categorize the various plants in the botanical garden.
- The archaeologist worked diligently to categorize the artifacts based on their historical significance.
- In the experiment, participants were asked to categorize images according to their emotional content.
- The chef needed to categorize the ingredients for the new menu items to streamline the cooking process.
- Classify: mengelompokkan
- Sort: menyortir
- Organize: mengorganisir
- Group: mengelompokkan
- Arrange: mengatur
- Order: menata
- Class: mengklasifikasikan
- Label: memberi label
- Catalog: mengkatalogkan
- Systematize: mensistematisasi
- Disorganize: mengacaukan
- Scatter: menyebarkan
- Mix up: mencampur
- Confuse: membingungkan
- Disarrange: menyusun kembali
- jumble: merandem
- Unsort: tidak disortir
- Disorder: mengacak-acak
- Disarray: kekacauan
- Misclassify: salah mengelompokkan
Derived Words:
- Categorization: kategorisasi
- Categorical: kategoris
- Categorizer: pengkategorisasi
Related Words:
- Classification: klasifikasi
- Grouping: pengelompokan
- Division: pembagian
- Taxonomy: taksonomi
- Organization: organisasi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Categorize by: mengkategorikan berdasarkan
- Categorize under: mengkategorikan di bawah
- Categorize according to: mengkategorikan sesuai dengan
- Categorize into: mengkategorikan ke dalam
Common Expressions:
- Categorize information: mengkategorikan informasi
- Categorize products: mengkategorikan produk
Related Idioms:
- Put in a pigeonhole: menempatkan dalam laci
- Put in a box: menempatkan dalam kotak
- Put in a bracket: menempatkan dalam kelompok