
To categorize is to organize or arrange things into specific groups or categories based on shared characteristics, features, or criteria.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The librarian needed to categorize the books in the library according to genres.
  2. The biologist decided to categorize the newly discovered species based on their genetic similarities.
  3. The teacher asked the students to categorize the words into different parts of speech.
  4. The online store uses algorithms to automatically categorize products for efficient browsing.
  5. Historians often categorize historical events into distinct periods for analysis.
  6. The software allows users to easily categorize and organize their files for better accessibility.
  7. The botanist spent hours trying to categorize the various plants in the botanical garden.
  8. The archaeologist worked diligently to categorize the artifacts based on their historical significance.
  9. In the experiment, participants were asked to categorize images according to their emotional content.
  10. The chef needed to categorize the ingredients for the new menu items to streamline the cooking process.


  • Classify: mengelompokkan
  • Sort: menyortir
  • Organize: mengorganisir
  • Group: mengelompokkan
  • Arrange: mengatur
  • Order: menata
  • Class: mengklasifikasikan
  • Label: memberi label
  • Catalog: mengkatalogkan
  • Systematize: mensistematisasi


  • Disorganize: mengacaukan
  • Scatter: menyebarkan
  • Mix up: mencampur
  • Confuse: membingungkan
  • Disarrange: menyusun kembali
  • jumble: merandem
  • Unsort: tidak disortir
  • Disorder: mengacak-acak
  • Disarray: kekacauan
  • Misclassify: salah mengelompokkan

Derived Words:

  • Categorization: kategorisasi
  • Categorical: kategoris
  • Categorizer: pengkategorisasi

Related Words:

  • Classification: klasifikasi
  • Grouping: pengelompokan
  • Division: pembagian
  • Taxonomy: taksonomi
  • Organization: organisasi

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Categorize by: mengkategorikan berdasarkan
  • Categorize under: mengkategorikan di bawah
  • Categorize according to: mengkategorikan sesuai dengan
  • Categorize into: mengkategorikan ke dalam

Common Expressions:

  • Categorize information: mengkategorikan informasi
  • Categorize products: mengkategorikan produk

Related Idioms:

  • Put in a pigeonhole: menempatkan dalam laci
  • Put in a box: menempatkan dalam kotak
  • Put in a bracket: menempatkan dalam kelompok
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