The Gallant Bachelor

The Gallant Bachelor

Once upon a time, there was a bachelor named Jack who lived in a vacant house on the outskirts of the city. Despite the hardship of living alone, he was unaccustomed to sharing his space with anyone else. One day, he stumbled upon a lost dog on his path and decided to take him in. …

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A Time for Decision

A Time for Decision

Carl Brown walked wearily from the bus stop, his thoughts preoccupied with the day’s events. He had become accustomed to receiving the blame for his colleagues’ mistakes. He could remain complacent when less deserving workers were promoted ahead of him. He could even maintain an air of indifference when the young man he had trained …

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Where Do We Go From Here?

Where Do We Go From Here?

When we grow too complacent with ourselves, along come writers who, wasplike, sting us with reminders of the many problems we face, from rehabilitating former prisoners on parole to feeding the world’s hungry population. Those authors do not see civilization rising almost vertically to greater and greater heights. Though a multitude of problems beset America, …

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Judging from the popularity of books on dieting, one would think an epidemic of obesity is sweeping the nation. Although being fat is not contagious, it is a condition not to be sneered at since it affects one-fourth of all Americans. Without magnifying the problem, professionals concerned with the nation’s health, from chiropractors to medical …

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Roast Beef on Rye

Roast Beef on Rye

A little digging will unearth the roots of our language and habits. For instance, our word “sandwich” is derived from the Earl of Sandwich, who lived in the time of George III. This gentleman would not depart from the gambling table for hours on end. If his play happened to coincide with dinner, he would …

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Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Travels

Vocabulary Focus: *** *** *** Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift tried to show people’s smallness by writing Dr. Lemuel Gulliver’s biography. In one of his strangest adventures, Gulliver was shipwrecked. Drenched and weary,* he fell asleep on the shore. In the morning, he found himself tied to pegs in the ground, and swarming over him were …

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Listen to Smokey the Bear

Listen to Smokey the Bear

Lesson 37 Listen to Smokey the Bear At one time, the United States was heir to great riches, for more than half of our country was covered with forests. The majestic woodlands have dwindled to the point where we have no surplus of trees. Of course, only a traitor to the beauties of nature would …

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A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand

Youth workers Bill Nash and Jim Boyle are house hunters, not so much for a house as for a concerned family willing to house and feed troubled youngsters temporarily. They try to give prompt attention to those who cannot or will not live at home.For some, leaving home may have resulted from a hasty decision …

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Summer Travel

Summer Travel

Lesson 35 Summer Travel If you are tired of making vague excuses for another dull summer at home, here is a thought to elevate your spirits. You do not need anything so radical as winning a lottery to finance a European trip. A student identity card that can be obtained for a few dollars from …

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