Chaperone refers to an individual, typically an adult, who accompanies and supervises others, especially in social situations, to ensure propriety, safety, or compliance with established rules. A chaperone plays a role in overseeing and safeguarding the well-being of those under their care, often in contexts such as school events, social gatherings, or trips.
Sample Sentences:
- The school dance required each student to be accompanied by a chaperone.
- Parents volunteered to chaperone the field trip to the museum.
- The youth camp had a designated adult chaperone for every group of teenagers.
- The wedding reception had experienced chaperones to manage the festivities.
- As a responsible adult, Jane agreed to chaperone her niece’s birthday party.
- The teacher acted as a chaperone during the students’ weekend camping trip.
- The event organizer hired professional chaperones to ensure security.
- During the prom, teachers were assigned as chaperones to monitor the students.
- The tour group had an experienced chaperone guiding them through the historic sites.
- The school policy required a chaperone for any off-campus activities.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Guardian (Pengawal)
- Supervisor (Pengawas)
- Escort (Pemandu)
- Companion (Sahabat)
- Protector (Pelindung)
- Watcher (Pengamat)
- Attendant (Pelayan)
- Custodian (Penjaga)
- Mentor (Mentor)
- Overseer (Pengawas)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Unsupervised (Tidak diawasi)
- Solo (Sendiri)
- Independent (Mandiri)
- Unaccompanied (Tidak ditemani)
- Unregulated (Tanpa pengaturan)
- Self-guided (Panduan diri sendiri)
- Unattended (Tidak dijaga)
- Unchecked (Tidak diperiksa)
- Free (Bebas)
- Uncontrolled (Tidak terkendali)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Chaperonage (Pengawasan)
- Chaperoned (Ditemani pengawas)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Supervise (Mengawasi)
- Safeguard (Melindungi)
- Accompany (Menemani)
- Monitor (Memantau)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Chaperone around (Mengawasi sekitar)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Be a chaperone (Menjadi pengawas)
- Act as a chaperone (Berperan sebagai pengawas)
Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):
- “The chaperone’s eye is ever watchful.” (Mata pengawas selalu waspada)
- “A good chaperone is an invisible shield.” (Pengawas yang baik adalah perisai yang tak terlihat)