Cheating was a common occurrence at the new school I had joined. As an individual with strong ethical principles, I was taken aback by the dishonesty displayed by my peers. To me, cheating on a test was foolish and carried severe consequences.
- I was taken aback by: saya terkejut dengan
- Severe: parah, berat
- Proctor: pengawas, pengawas ujian
- Rampant: merajalela, meluas dengan cepat
- Blatant: mencolok, terang-terangan
- Blatantly: secara terang-terangan, dengan jelas
- Conceal: menyembunyikan, menyembunyikan dengan sengaja
- Disheartening: mengecewakan, membuat kecewa
- Stricter: lebih ketat, lebih tegas
- Inane: bodoh, tidak penting
- At stake: dipertaruhkan, terancam
- Clandestine: rahasia, sembunyi-sembunyi
- Obvious: jelas, nyata
However, many of my classmates did not share my perspective. Despite the presence of a proctor to monitor the exams, cheating was still rampant. It was done openly and blatantly, with no attempt to conceal their actions.
This lack of regard for honesty and integrity was disheartening and highlighted the need for stricter measures to prevent cheating. Clearly, something had to be done to address this issue and ensure that students were held accountable for their actions. I was determined to do my part in promoting a culture of honesty and fairness, even if it meant standing alone in my beliefs.
I observed that cheating was rampant during my first weeks at the new school. I had always considered it rather inane to cheat on a test because of my code of ethics and because so much was at stake. Apparently, the other students didn’t concur. Even the presence of a proctor did not intimidate them. Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious.