

Lately, Lupus is really into watching basketball games at the youth arena. Doesn’t matter if there’s a lab assignment or a pile of math homework from Mr. Sidahuruk, whenever there’s a school basketball game, Lupus always makes sure to skip his afternoon nap to join in the fun. Usually, around three-thirty in the afternoon, he’s already cruising on his bike towards the arena. Riding with the wild artist Gusur, who recently started tagging along with Lupus to watch basketball. He claims that he’s looking for inspiration around the building surrounded by angsana and kiara payung trees, creating a cool and romantic atmosphere for writing poetry. And it’s true, once they arrive at the arena, Gusur usually doesn’t go inside. He heads straight to the park and sits alone, pretending to write poetry with a piece of paper in his hand. Acting all poetic, but his eyes are actually wandering around. Hoping anxiously for Fifi Alone to show up.

But let’s not disturb Gusur’s bliss. If that’s what makes him happy, then let’s just leave him be. Just like we let Lupus be, who’s extremely happy when watching basketball. But Lupus’ happiness needs to be questioned too. Because usually, that kid isn’t into sports-related stuff. (Besides, who enjoys smelling someone after they’ve been playing sports?) So, Lupus can be suspicious.

After some investigation, it turns out there’s a reason why Lupus enjoys watching basketball. Wanna know? Turns out, he’s into one of the cheerleaders who always appears before the game starts. You know cheerleaders, right? Those cool girls who dance around to support their winning team. Cheerleaders are also there to entertain and lighten the mood.

So, now you know why Lupus enjoys watching basketball, right? That’s why he’s currently busy watching the cheerleaders shake it here and there. That playboy Boim, who acts all rich but looks like a dangdut singer, is busy imitating their dance moves in his seat next to Lupus. But he’s so tacky, his dance moves are like dangdut. Swinging his hips (like Bebe!) while sneaking glances at Lupus, who’s busy watching the cheerleaders, he gets all annoyed and says, “Why can’t you calm down, Im?”

“Yeah, he’s so tacky!” adds Gito, defending Lupus.

“You guys can’t handle seeing someone happy, huh?” Boim retorted as he moved to sit below and started dancing there. Meanwhile, Lupus was now a bit calmer, gazing at a cute cheerleader. And when the basketball game started, Lupus actually ran to the back, chasing after the cheerleader who had finished dancing. He didn’t join in watching the game.

“Hey, your name is Agnes, right?” Lupus greeted one of them.

“How do you know? Who are you?” she replied.

“I’m Lupus, you’re from Tunggal Ika High School, right? Congrats, hope your team wins.”

“Thanks. Are you from Tunggal Ika too?”

“Nah, I’m from Merah Putih High School.”

“Merah Putih?”

“Why? Surprised? Haven’t you heard of a cool guy like me going to Merah Putih High School?”

“Not like that, why are you expecting Tunggal Ika to win?”

“Who said that?”

“Just now?”

“I just said, hope your team wins. I meant the cheerleader team, not the basketball team. Their dance moves are amazing. Especially with the mini skirts and legs moving all around. It makes us feel awkward sitting here.”

“Are you being sarcastic?”

“No, I’m serious!”

The girl fell silent for a moment. She looked at the other kids who were busy cheering. Then, as if she remembered something, she hurriedly said, “Oh, sorry. I have to quickly change my clothes.”

“Where?” Lupus became confused too.

“In the changing room. Why?”

“Can I join?”

The girl widened her eyes. Lupus felt embarrassed.

The next day, when the game continued, Lupus met the same cheerleader again. Just like yesterday, Lupus intercepted her in the changing room, and the girl only said a few words before quickly running to the changing room.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Are you being arrogant?”

“Nah, it’s not that. I’m afraid my mom will come soon…”

“Oh, what’s the big deal? Is your mom strict or something? Let’s see if she can handle my fierce dog, Gegi. He’s pretty tough too. And he can get even tougher if he meets your strict mom.”

Agnes widened her eyes, “Why are you talking like that?”

“Well, your mom is like that too. Can’t I talk to you?”

“It’s not about that. My mom will be furious if she sees me as a cheerleader like this!”

“See, that’s what I said. That’s why you shouldn’t wear such short skirts. It makes us uncomfortable watching you move like that, you know!”

“It’s not about that!” Agnes widened her eyes again. “Anyway, the story is long. Like a freight train. Alright, I’m going to change my clothes now…”

“Hey, wait,” Lupus stopped her.

“What now? Do you want to join?”

“You promised to tell me about the long story!”

“Who said I promised?”

“Well, even if you didn’t promise, I’ll be waiting on that bench over there. Bye!”

Lupus waited there. On that bench. While watching the kids playing basketball. It was exciting. SMA Merah Putih was the archenemy of SMA Tunggal Ika when it came to basketball. It was the girls’ turn to compete, after the Merah Putih boys’ team successfully lost in the final round yesterday. The only hope was in the girls’ team. Rina, Lupus’ crush, was also playing for the Merah Putih team. That little girl was really good at basketball. When it came to talking about basketball with Lupus, he couldn’t stop talking. Sometimes Lupus even fell asleep because he was so bored. Yeah, the two things Lupus liked to talk about the most were music and food. That’s why he seemed cooler than his friends (well, what’s the connection?). “Hey, daydreaming, huh?” Agnes suddenly teased.

Lupus pretended to be surprised. Actually, he wasn’t at all. Only his thumb was slightly startled. But to not disappoint Agnes, Lupus pretended to be shocked. He even jumped up from his seat.

“Surprised, huh? Ha ha ha…” Agnes laughed cheerfully. She was dressed more modestly than before. A loose long-sleeved shirt, with a Snopp t-shirt underneath. It matched perfectly with her ripped jeans.

“You look so great!” Lupus complimented openly.


They fell silent for a moment. Watching the kids playing without any expression. “There’s my mom. Walking with that chubby guy, my dad,” Agnes suddenly pointed to the middle-aged creature entering the building. Agnes didn’t look happy.

“Why do you seem annoyed with them?”

“I hate my mom. She’s so annoying. Every time I do something, she never agrees. Always making demands. Like now, she doesn’t want me to be a cheerleader. She wants me to play basketball instead. But come on, playing basketball all the time gets boring, and there’s no progress. Being a cheerleader is just supporting my friends to win. I’m not doing anything weird or dangerous…”

“Yeah, except for the part where you lift your legs. That’s a bit dangerous. Especially for Boim, who goes hysterical when he sees you move like that…” “Hey, be quiet. I already explained to my mom and dad that I’m helping my team in my own way. But they don’t understand. They just get angry without any reason. How can I not feel like crying?”

“Oh, come on, Ag. Don’t cry here. I’ll be the one accused of doing something to you. It’s better to wait until everyone goes home. Let’s cry our hearts out together. Maybe someone will feel sorry for us and give us a lot of money to eat at Blok M…”

Agnes widened her eyes, “Why are you always joking?”

“No, I’m serious! I really want to go eat at Blok M. Seriously!”

“Who’s gonna take us? Listen, I want to keep telling my story. I’m still young, only sixteen years old. Not as mature as them. But I don’t think they can act more mature than me. That’s evident from what happened earlier. I don’t think they have the right to behave like that. Let me try to find my own path.”

“Yeah, let it be…”

“We all just want to be fully accepted for who we are. With our uniqueness, imperfections, ideas, and feelings. We need to be respected. As we grow up, we are influenced by the people around us, our environment, and society. Right, Pus?”

“Yes, Agnes.”

“Now, like you and the others, we’re in a difficult position. The position of being teenagers. At this moment, we start trying to find a balance from all the influences on us. This is the time for us to become more independent, not relying on our parents anymore. Right?”


“Well, that’s what my mom and dad don’t understand.”

“I understand.”

“I’m getting desperate.”

“Don’t be. It’s better to just kill yourself.”

Agnes widened her eyes again.

Lupus pretended to look at the field. The game was still going on with excitement.

“Do you know the way out, Pus?”

“Well, that’s obvious. It’s near where you changed your clothes earlier!”

“Not that! The way out for my problem!”

“Of course there is, you just need someone – let’s say a mediator. Like the guidance counselor at school. They can be the middleman to help you resolve the differences between you and your parents. Because each side probably thinks they’re right. So, you need a third person who is outside of the issue between you and your parents.”

Agnes looked at Lupus with shining eyes.

“You’re right! How about you be that third person?”

“Me?” Lupus was surprised.

“Yes, you. You seem wise enough to convince my mom and dad. Will you, Pus? Please!”

Lupus became confused. Wow, why did he get caught up in this?

Lupus is regretting his decision to become Agnes’ peace ambassador to her parents. Now he’s stuck going to Agnes’ house to meet her parents. Actually, he doesn’t regret it at all. He likes it. It’s just that he has a somewhat heavy task on his hands. Imagine if Agnes’ dad is as strict as Rina’s dad. Oh boy, there might be another bloody incident.

“I’m nervous, Ag.”

“Oh come on, just chill. Be strong, okay? Alright then. I’ll wait here. You just go into the backyard. My dad is there with my mom, watering the plants and drinking tea.”

“So, how do I start?”

“I already told them that you’re coming. So, it’s up to you, really.”

After saying Bismillah a hundred times, Lupus walked towards the backyard. Agnes was waiting. One minute, two minutes, one hour, two hours. Until finally, Rudi, Agnes’ friend from Tunggal Ika, came. He invited Agnes to hang out at Blok M. Agnes was hesitant at first, but when she saw Lupus still engrossed in conversation with her dad, she decided to go with Rudi. Not forgetting to leave a note on the table.

“Sorry, Pus.

I’ll leave for a bit. I have something to do with a school friend, need to find some supplies for tomorrow’s assignment. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. Good luck, okay.”


Agnes felt that Lupus had successfully charmed her parents. Her dad, with a smile on his face, often asked about Lupus, saying he’s an interesting young man. “It’s true, Ag. The way he speaks so politely. And cleverly avoids getting cornered. When is he coming here again? Dad wants to challenge him to another match.”

Agnes smiled to herself. The problem was now solved, thanks to that Red and White boy. And Agnes wasn’t naive enough to not know what was behind Lupus’ kindness. Why would he go through all the trouble to help Agnes if he didn’t expect something in return? Like people say, honesty and sincerity are very expensive nowadays. No one wants to help without expecting something in return. And this is what often troubles Agnes. So many guys desperately trying to be heroes, just to win her heart. So many guys misinterpreting Agnes’ friendliness and smiles.

And now Lupus. Agnes felt sorry for him. She had to act quickly before Lupus went too far. So, she needed to write a few short letters.

“Lupus. Thanks a bunch for your kindness. You’re really something. I definitely enjoy being your friend. But let’s keep the word ‘friend’ in its true meaning, not in quotation marks. Because I still want to be free like a deer running in the forest. You get it, right?


Agnes folded the letter lightly and put it in a blue envelope. When should she give this letter? She had to do it quickly before Lupus received a love letter.

Agnes looked at the calendar. Ah, why not tomorrow night? It just so happened that the Red and White High School basketball club and the Tunggal Ika High School were having a Valentine’s night event together. As a sign of friendship and love. That idea was brilliant indeed. It would prevent a war between the two schools that always competed in basketball.

And Lupus would definitely be there, meeting her…

Agnes wasn’t too wrong. Lupus was indeed there. With his other friends. Gossiping and fooling around. Agnes looked somewhat sad towards that weird kid. She didn’t feel like giving him the letter. How would Lupus feel afterwards?

“Hey, Agnes!” Lupus’ eyes lit up when he saw Agnes.

Agnes smiled.

“Why did you just arrive?”

“Yeah,” Agnes answered shortly, and Lupus fell silent.

Lupus’ face suddenly turned sad, “Well, sorry, Ag. I couldn’t help solve your problem. You must have been really sad, right? I really didn’t know how to start back then. Because your dad was busy asking about Mas Arswendo, my ex-boss who’s now busy gossiping with his Monitor. You know, right? That guy with the fierce talent and jokes. Yeah, that guy was your dad’s old friend. And then we ended up playing chess until late at night. I wanted to apologize to you when I got home, but you weren’t there. Annoying, huh, waiting?”

Agnes was stunned.

“Oh, your dad is actually quite friendly. Not like my friend’s dad who’s strict. It’s cool to have a future father-in-law like that. Can do things together. Maybe it’s just you who lacks communication with them, so you often have disagreements. Reflect on it, Ag. Maybe you’re the one who’s wrong. Your dad is clearly sportsmanlike. He admitted defeat when we played chess. I didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere by talking about your problems. You can talk to him yourself, okay?”

Agnes was still stunned.

“Don’t just stand there. Oh, earlier I came with Rina. Where is that girl? She said she wanted to be a cheerleader like you too. Damn, where did that naughty girl disappear to? Hey, Rina…” Lupus shouted loudly while looking around. Where did that girl go?

“Wait, Ag, I’m gonna look for Rina first. That girl loves to wander around. Even though I told her not to go too far from me, she only realizes it when she’s lost. Yeah, by the way, even though she’s grown up, she still likes to disappear when she goes to the night market. Usually, when we find her again, she’s sitting in a corner pouting. Such a crybaby. Oh, by the way, where’s your boyfriend? Why did he come alone on Valentine’s night? Does he also like to disappear like my unfortunate Rina?”

Agnes didn’t answer. Only her hands were squeezing the letter so small. Then she stomped on it hard.

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