

“Churlish” refers to a rude, surly, or ill-mannered demeanor. It describes someone who is impolite, uncivil, or lacking in basic courtesy or consideration for others. The term conveys a sense of boorishness and a tendency to behave in a socially unacceptable or offensive manner. “Churlish” individuals often disregard social norms and exhibit behavior that can be perceived as gruff or offensive.

In Indonesian, the equivalent term is “kurang ajar,” which conveys the idea of being disrespectful.

Sample Sentences:

  1. His churlish behavior towards the waitstaff left a negative impression on everyone.
  2. The churlish comment he made during the meeting offended many participants.
  3. Her churlish response to a simple question caught everyone by surprise.
  4. The churlish teenager refused to help with household chores.
  5. The churlish driver honked aggressively at the pedestrian crossing.
  6. The churlish attitude of the customer made it difficult for the salesperson to assist.
  7. The boss’s churlish remarks created a tense atmosphere in the office.
  8. The churlish customer’s constant complaints frustrated the service staff.
  9. The churlish refusal to apologize strained their friendship.
  10. His churlish behavior alienated him from the rest of the team.


  • Rude
  • Impolite
  • Uncivil
  • Surly


  • Polite
  • Courteous
  • Well-mannered

Related Words:

  • Boorishness
  • Rudeness
  • Disrespect
  • Insolence

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Behave churlishly
  • Respond in a churlish manner


  • Bad manners
  • Talk back

Conclusion: In conclusion, “churlish” describes a rude and ill-mannered attitude, often characterized by a lack of courtesy and consideration for others. The Indonesian term “kurang ajar” aligns with the concept of being disrespectful. Through the provided sample sentences, synonyms, antonyms, related words, phrasal verbs, and idioms, we’ve explored the dynamics of boorish behavior. “Churlish” emphasizes the significance of practicing politeness, respect, and empathy in interactions with others. It underscores the value of cultivating positive communication and relationships by demonstrating basic courtesy and consideration.

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