“Clicking” is the gerund form of the verb “click,” representing the continuous action of pressing a button or switch to produce a sharp, audible sound. It commonly describes the ongoing or repetitive nature of this action, often associated with technology, computers, and various mechanical devices.
Sample Sentences:
- The photographer spent hours in the studio, meticulously clicking the camera shutter for the perfect shot.
- As I navigated through the website, I could hear the constant clicking of the mouse.
- The enthusiastic gamer was fully engrossed in the game, rapidly clicking the mouse buttons.
- The mechanic diagnosed the issue by listening to the rhythmic clicking under the car hood.
- The journalist sat at the keyboard, furiously clicking away to meet the deadline.
- The digital clock on the wall was incessantly clicking as the seconds passed.
- In the quiet room, the librarian could hear the soft clicking of keyboards from diligent students.
- The sound of raindrops clicking against the window created a soothing ambiance.
- The assembly line workers were tirelessly clicking their tools to assemble the intricate parts.
- The musician created a unique composition by clicking various buttons on a synthesizer.
- Pressing – Menekan
- Tapping – Mengetuk
- Snapping – Mengklik
- Clacking – Mengkretak
- Tick-tocking – Berdenting
- Hitting – Memukul
- Pressing down – Menekan ke bawah
- Depressing – Menekan
- Snicking – Mengklik
- Ticking – Berdenting
- Silence – Keheningan
- Inactivity – Tidak aktif
- Stillness – Keperakan
- Mute – Bisu
- Noiselessness – Keheningan
- Serenity – Ketenangan
- Calm – Ketenangan
- Peace – Damai
- Tranquility – Ketenangan
- Immobility – Tidak bergerak
Derived Words:
- Clicker – Penekan
- Clickable – Dapat ditekan
- Clicking – Pencetan
Related Words:
- Press – Tekan
- Button – Tombol
- Switch – Saklar
- Keystroke – Pencetan tombol keyboard
- Tactile – Perasaan
Phrasal Verbs:
- Click on – Klik pada
- Click off – Matikan dengan mengklik
- Click through – Menelusuri dengan mengklik
- Click into – Masuk dengan mengklik
Common Expressions:
- Clicking away – Terus menerus mengklik
- Clicking sound – Suara klik
- Clicking rhythm – Ritme klik
- Clicking buttons – Mengklik tombol
Related Idioms:
- Clickety-clack, clickety-clack – Suara roda kereta api berjalan
- Click your heels together – Mengetuk tumit sepatu bersama-sama
- Clicks and mortar – Bisnis yang memiliki toko fisik dan online secara bersamaan