

A complainant is a person who makes a formal complaint or brings legal action against someone else. This term is often used in the context of legal proceedings, where the complainant is the person who initiates a lawsuit or brings charges against another person or entity. The complainant is typically seeking some form of redress or compensation for harm or injury that they have suffered.

Sample sentences using “complainant”:

  1. The complainant alleged that the defendant had breached their contract.
  2. The police are urging any potential complainants to come forward.
  3. The complainant’s lawyer argued that the defendant had acted negligently.
  4. The complainant filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
  5. The judge ruled in favor of the complainant and awarded damages.
  6. The complainant accused the defendant of fraud and misrepresentation.
  7. The complainant’s testimony was crucial in securing a conviction.
  8. The defendant denied the allegations made by the complainant.
  9. The complainant’s attorney cross-examined the defendant’s witness.
  10. The complainant sought an injunction to prevent the defendant from continuing their activities.


  • Complainant: Pengadu
  • Plaintiff: Penggugat
  • Petitioner: Pemohon
  • Claimant: Peminta ganti rugi
  • Accuser: Pengadu tuduhan
  • Prosecutor: Jaksa Penuntut
  • Litigant: Pihak yang bertikai
  • Appellant: Pembanding
  • Suitor: Pelamar
  • Initiator: Pelapor
  • Allegator: Pengaku

Here are some possible antonyms for “complainant,” along with their Indonesian equivalents:

  • Defendant: Tergugat
  • Respondent: Terkait
  • Accused: Terdakwa
  • Suspect: Tersangka
  • Offender: Pelaku tindak pidana
  • Perpetrator: Pelaku kejahatan
  • Criminal: Kejahatan

Words derived from “complainant”:

  • Complain: Mengeluh, mengadu
  • Complaint: Keluhan, aduan
  • Complainer: Peminta keluhan, pengeluh

Related words:

  • Lawsuit: Gugatan hukum
  • Legal action: Tindakan hukum
  • Redress: Ganti rugi
  • Compensation: Pampasan, ganti rugi
  • Damages: Kerusakan, kerugian
  • Testimony: Kesaksian
  • Conviction: Putusan bersalah
  • Injunction: Surat perintah pengadilan

Phrasal verbs:

  • Come forward (to make a complaint)
  • File a complaint
  • Rule in favor of (the complainant)
  • Cross-examine (the defendant’s witness)

Common expressions:

  • To be a complainant in a legal action
  • To file a complaint with an organization or agency
  • To seek redress or compensation for harm or injury

Here are some possible common expressions related to “complainant”:

  • To file a complaint: Mengajukan atau menyampaikan keluhan
  • To be a complainant: Menjadi pengadu
  • To lodge a complaint: Mengajukan keluhan
  • To vent one’s complaints: Mengeluarkan atau menyampaikan keluhan
  • To listen to complaints: Mendengar keluhan
  • To address complaints: Menangani atau menyelesaikan keluhan
  • To investigate complaints: Menyelidiki keluhan
  • To resolve complaints: Menyelesaikan atau memperbaiki keluhan
  • To ignore complaints: Meninggalkan atau mengabaikan keluhan
  • To apologize to a complainant: Meminta maaf kepada pengadu

In conclusion, a complainant is a person who initiates a legal action or makes a formal complaint against someone else. This term is often used in the context of lawsuits or other legal proceedings where the complainant is seeking some form of redress or compensation for harm or injury that they have suffered. Synonyms for complainant include plaintiff, petitioner, and claimant, among others.

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