
Congenital refers to a condition or trait that is present from birth or is inherent in an individual. It is often used to describe characteristics or disorders that are present in a person from the moment of their birth, as opposed to those acquired later in life.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The doctor confirmed that the heart defect was congenital, requiring immediate attention.
  2. Maria’s hearing impairment was identified as a congenital condition that influenced her communication skills.
  3. The researcher studied the genetic factors that contribute to the congenital susceptibility to certain diseases.
  4. His congenital predisposition for athleticism became evident as he excelled in sports from a very young age.
  5. The baby underwent a series of tests to identify any potential congenital abnormalities.
  6. Sarah’s artistic talents were recognized as a congenital gift, evident in her drawings even as a toddler.
  7. A congenital disorder affected the formation of her teeth, requiring specialized dental care.
  8. The doctor explained the difference between acquired and congenital visual impairments to the concerned parents.
  9. The musician’s perfect pitch was considered a congenital trait that greatly contributed to his success.
  10. Genetic counseling provides valuable information about the risk of passing on congenital conditions to future generations.


  • Innate: bawaan
  • Inborn: bawaan
  • Inherent: melekat
  • Hereditary: turun temurun
  • Natural: alami
  • Native: asli
  • Built-in: terpasang
  • Intrinsic: intrinsik
  • Elemental: elemen
  • Integral: integral


  • Acquired: diperoleh
  • Learned: dipelajari
  • Developed: berkembang
  • Environmental: lingkungan
  • Adventitious: kebetulan
  • Secondary: sekunder
  • Resultant: akibat
  • Obtained: diperoleh
  • External: eksternal
  • Noninherent: tidak melekat

Derived Words:

  • Congenitalism: konsep bawaan
  • Congenitally: secara bawaan

Related Words:

  • Genetics: genetika
  • Birth defect: cacat lahir
  • Heredity: pewarisan sifat
  • Genetic makeup: susunan genetik
  • Genetic predisposition: kecenderungan genetik

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Develop congenitally: berkembang secara bawaan
  • Inherit congenitally: mewarisi secara bawaan

Common Expressions:

  • Congenital trait: sifat bawaan
  • Congenital condition: kondisi bawaan
  • Congenital disorder: gangguan bawaan


  • Born with it: lahir dengan itu
  • In the blood: dalam darah

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