Congenital refers to a condition or trait that is present from birth or is inherent in an individual. It is often used to describe characteristics or disorders that are present in a person from the moment of their birth, as opposed to those acquired later in life.
Sample Sentences:
- The doctor confirmed that the heart defect was congenital, requiring immediate attention.
- Maria’s hearing impairment was identified as a congenital condition that influenced her communication skills.
- The researcher studied the genetic factors that contribute to the congenital susceptibility to certain diseases.
- His congenital predisposition for athleticism became evident as he excelled in sports from a very young age.
- The baby underwent a series of tests to identify any potential congenital abnormalities.
- Sarah’s artistic talents were recognized as a congenital gift, evident in her drawings even as a toddler.
- A congenital disorder affected the formation of her teeth, requiring specialized dental care.
- The doctor explained the difference between acquired and congenital visual impairments to the concerned parents.
- The musician’s perfect pitch was considered a congenital trait that greatly contributed to his success.
- Genetic counseling provides valuable information about the risk of passing on congenital conditions to future generations.
- Innate: bawaan
- Inborn: bawaan
- Inherent: melekat
- Hereditary: turun temurun
- Natural: alami
- Native: asli
- Built-in: terpasang
- Intrinsic: intrinsik
- Elemental: elemen
- Integral: integral
The Innate Beauty of Nature

In the grand tapestry of life, certain qualities are innate, deeply ingrained within our very being. These inborn traits, passed down through generations, shape our personalities and define our character.
Our inherent nature is a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors. It is the natural inclination that guides our choices and determines our destiny.
From the moment we are born, we possess built-in instincts that help us to survive and thrive. These intrinsic qualities are an essential part of our being, shaping our perceptions and influencing our behavior.
Our elemental nature connects us to the natural world, grounding us in the rhythms of the earth. It is the integral part of our being that allows us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature.
The innate beauty of nature is a testament to the power of life itself. It is a reminder that we are all connected, part of a larger whole. And it is a source of inspiration and wonder, a testament to the incredible complexity and diversity of the world around us.
- Acquired: diperoleh
- Learned: dipelajari
- Developed: berkembang
- Environmental: lingkungan
- Adventitious: kebetulan
- Secondary: sekunder
- Resultant: akibat
- Obtained: diperoleh
- External: eksternal
- Noninherent: tidak melekat
The Acquired Nature of Experience

While our innate qualities shape our character, our experiences also play a significant role in shaping who we become. Through our interactions with the world around us, we acquire new knowledge, skills, and perspectives.
We learn from our experiences, both good and bad. We develop new ways of thinking and behaving. Our environment has a profound impact on our personalities, shaping our values and beliefs.
Some traits are adventitious, acquired through chance or circumstance. Others are secondary qualities, developed in response to our experiences.
The resultant of our experiences is a unique blend of innate and acquired traits. It is this combination that defines who we are as individuals.
Our external environment plays a crucial role in shaping our character. The people we interact with, the places we live, and the experiences we have all contribute to our noninherent qualities.
Through our experiences, we obtain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We develop new skills and abilities, and we learn to adapt to change.
Our experiences are a constant source of growth and evolution. They shape our personalities, influence our choices, and ultimately determine our destiny.
Derived Words:
- Congenitalism: konsep bawaan
- Congenitally: secara bawaan
The Congenital Gift

From the moment she was born, Anya knew that she was different. She had a congenital trait that set her apart from others. She could see colors that others couldn’t, hear sounds that others couldn’t, and feel emotions that others couldn’t comprehend.
Her congenital condition was a gift and a curse. It allowed her to experience the world in a way that others could only dream of, but it also made her feel isolated and alone.
Anya’s congenital disorder was a source of both wonder and frustration. She struggled to explain her experiences to others, who often dismissed her as delusional or imaginative.
But Anya refused to let her congenital condition define her. She embraced her differences, using her unique perspective to see the world in a new way. She became an artist, using her ability to see colors that others couldn’t to create stunning works of art.
Anya’s congenital trait was a gift, a reminder that everyone is different and that our differences should be celebrated, not feared. She was a testament to the power of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find beauty and joy.
Congenitalism is the state of being born with a particular trait or condition. It is a congenitally determined characteristic, present from birth.
Anya’s congenitalism was a unique aspect of her personality, a gift that allowed her to see the world in a way that others could not. It was a congenitally determined trait, a part of her very essence.
Congenitalism can be a source of both wonder and challenge. It can be a gift, allowing individuals to experience the world in a unique way. But it can also be a source of frustration and isolation, as individuals may struggle to explain their experiences to others.
Despite the challenges that congenitalism can present, it is important to remember that everyone is different. Our unique qualities and abilities make us who we are. And by embracing our differences, we can create a more inclusive and understanding world.
Related Words:
- Genetics: genetika
- Birth defect: cacat lahir
- Heredity: pewarisan sifat
- Genetic makeup: susunan genetik
- Genetic predisposition: kecenderungan genetik
The Genetic Legacy

In the intricate tapestry of life, our genetic makeup plays a pivotal role in shaping our identity. From the color of our eyes to our susceptibility to certain diseases, our genetics influence every aspect of our being.
A birth defect is a condition that is present at birth. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic abnormalities.
Heredity is the passing of traits from parent to offspring through their genetic makeup. Many physical and psychological traits are hereditary, meaning they are likely to be passed down from generation to generation.
Genetic predisposition refers to the increased likelihood of developing a particular condition or trait due to one’s genetic makeup. While genetic predisposition does not guarantee that a person will develop a condition, it can increase their risk.
Understanding genetics is essential for understanding the nature of human health and disease. By studying our genetic makeup, scientists can identify the genes that are responsible for certain conditions and develop new treatments and therapies.
Genetics is a complex and fascinating field of study, with endless possibilities for discovery and innovation. As our understanding of genetics continues to grow, we are unlocking the secrets of life itself.
Phrasal Verbs:
- Develop congenitally: berkembang secara bawaan
- Inherit congenitally: mewarisi secara bawaan
The Inherited Legacy

In the intricate tapestry of life, our genetic makeup plays a pivotal role in shaping our identity. From the color of our eyes to our susceptibility to certain diseases, our genetics influence every aspect of our being.
A birth defect is a condition that is present at birth. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic abnormalities.
Heredity is the passing of traits from parent to offspring through their genetic makeup. Many physical and psychological traits are hereditary, meaning they are likely to be passed down from generation to generation.
Genetic predisposition refers to the increased likelihood of developing a particular condition or trait due to one’s genetic makeup. While genetic predisposition does not guarantee that a person will develop a condition, it can increase their risk.
Understanding genetics is essential for understanding the nature of human health and disease. By studying our genetic makeup, scientists can identify the genes that are responsible for certain conditions and develop new treatments and therapies.
Genetics is a complex and fascinating field of study, with endless possibilities for discovery and innovation. As our understanding of genetics continues to grow, we are unlocking the secrets of life itself.
Develop congenitally means to develop a trait or condition from birth. It is a congenital trait, present from the moment of birth.
Inherit congenitally means to receive a trait or condition from one’s parents through their genetic makeup. It is a congenital trait that is passed down from generation to generation.
Congenital traits can be both positive and negative. Some congenital traits can be beneficial, while others can cause health problems.
Understanding congenital traits is important for understanding human development and health. By studying congenital conditions, scientists can learn more about the role of genetics in shaping our lives.
Common Expressions:
- Congenital trait: sifat bawaan
- Congenital condition: kondisi bawaan
- Congenital disorder: gangguan bawaan
The Congenital Gift

From the moment she was born, Anya knew that she was different. She had a congenital trait that set her apart from others. She could see colors that others couldn’t, hear sounds that others couldn’t, and feel emotions that others couldn’t comprehend.
Her congenital condition was a gift and a curse. It allowed her to experience the world in a way that others could only dream of, but it also made her feel isolated and alone.
Anya’s congenital disorder was a source of both wonder and frustration. She struggled to explain her experiences to others, who often dismissed her as delusional or imaginative.
But Anya refused to let her congenital condition define her. She embraced her differences, using her unique perspective to see the world in a new way. She became an artist, using her ability to see colors that others couldn’t to create stunning works of art.
Anya’s congenital trait was a gift, a reminder that everyone is different and that our differences should be celebrated, not feared. She was a testament to the power of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find beauty and joy.
- Born with it: lahir dengan itu
- In the blood: dalam darah
Born with It

Anya had always felt a deep connection to the sea. It was in her blood, a part of her very essence. She had been born with it, a passion that burned within her from the moment she could first remember.
She could recall countless hours spent gazing out at the ocean, its vastness and power filling her with a sense of wonder and awe. The salty air, the crashing waves, the rhythmic dance of the tides – it was all a part of her.
Her love for the sea was not something she had acquired or learned. It was innate, a part of her very being. It was a passion that ran deep, a connection that was as natural to her as breathing.
Anya knew that her love for the sea was more than just a hobby or a pastime. It was a calling, a destiny that she was meant to fulfill. And so, she dedicated her life to the ocean, becoming a marine biologist and exploring the depths of the underwater world.