
“Conjuring” is a present participle form of the verb “conjure.” It refers to the act of summoning or invoking a supernatural or mystical entity or force, often for a specific purpose or outcome. It can also refer to the act of bringing something into existence through magical means or making something appear seemingly out of nowhere.

The term “conjuring” is most commonly associated with magic and occult practices, as well as stage magic and illusionism. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to the act of creating something out of nothing or to bring something into being.

Here are some examples of sentences that use “conjuring”:

  1. The witch was able to cast spells by conjuring spirits from the beyond.
  2. The magician amazed the audience by conjuring a rabbit out of his hat.
  3. The mystic conjured a vision of the future by reading the tarot cards.
  4. The wizard was able to conjure a powerful shield to protect himself from harm.
  5. The sorcerer was adept at conjuring all manner of supernatural beings.
  6. The illusionist was skilled at conjuring up illusions that baffled and delighted audiences.
  7. The shaman performed a ritual to conjure the spirits of the ancestors for guidance.
  8. The alchemist believed he could conjure the elixir of life by transmuting base metals.
  9. The artist’s work seemed to conjure a world of its own, full of mystery and wonder.
  10. The novelist was able to conjure vivid characters and settings through her writing.


  • Summoning
  • Evoking
  • Invoking
  • Calling forth
  • Materializing
  • Manifesting
  • Producing
  • Creating
  • Imagining
  • Crafting


  • Disappearing
  • Vanishing
  • Dissolving

Related Words:

  • Magic
  • Occult
  • Sorcery
  • Enchantment
  • Illusion
  • Fantasy
  • Vision
  • Imagination
  • Creativity
  • Artistry

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Conjure up
  • Conjure forth
  • Conjure into


  • Conjure a spell
  • Conjure an image
  • Conjure a memory
  • Conjure up ghosts
  • Conjure up a smile
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