
“Conspire” is a verb that refers to the act of secretly planning or working together to achieve a particular goal, often involving illegal or harmful activities. It implies a level of secrecy and collaboration among individuals to bring about a shared outcome, typically hidden from public knowledge.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The two disgruntled employees decided to conspire against their supervisor.
  2. Rumors circulated that certain politicians were actively conspiring to manipulate the election results.
  3. The criminal syndicate was known to conspire in the shadows, coordinating illegal activities.
  4. The characters in the mystery novel began to conspire to uncover the truth.
  5. The rival companies were suspected of conspiring to eliminate competition through unethical means.
  6. The rebels were believed to be conspiring to overthrow the oppressive regime.
  7. A group of students planned to conspire to protest against the new school policies.
  8. The spies were caught conspiring to steal classified information.
  9. It is against the law to conspire to commit a crime.
  10. The evidence suggested that high-ranking officials may have been conspiring in a corruption scandal.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Collude: bersekongkol
  • Plot: merencanakan
  • Scheme: menyusun rencana
  • Machinate: merancang
  • Connive: berkomplot
  • Intrigue: berintrik
  • Cooperate secretly: bekerja sama secara rahasia

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Disclose: membongkar
  • Reveal: mengungkapkan
  • Expose: mengekspos
  • Open: terbuka
  • Transparent: transparan
  • Publicize: mempublikasikan

Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Conspiracy: konspirasi
  • Conspirator: konspirator

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Collaboration: kolaborasi
  • Cooperation: kerjasama
  • Secretive: bersifat rahasia
  • Deception: penipuan
  • Machination: perancangan

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Conspire against: bersekongkol melawan
  • Conspire to commit: berkonspirasi untuk melakukan

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • In cahoots with: berkolaborasi dengan
  • Under the table: di bawah meja
  • Behind closed doors: di balik pintu tertutup

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Skeletons in the closet: rahasia gelap
  • Keep one’s cards close to one’s chest: menyimpan rahasia

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