Cracking Down

Cracking Down

Mr Dorsey, the newly appointed principal at the high school, was determined to crack down on the rampant cheating that was prevalent among the students. He started by issuing bulletins to the teachers, reminding them of their responsibility to proctor exams effectively. Those who failed to do so were subject to reprimands.

  • Appoint: menunjuk, mengangkat
  • The newly appointed principal: kepala sekolah yang baru saja ditunjuk
  • Determine: menetapkan, menentukan
  • Crack down: menindak tegas, memberantas
  • Rampant: merajalela, meluas dengan cepat
  • Cheating: kecurangan, penipuan
  • Prevalent: umum, banyak terjadi
  • Proctor: pengawas, pengawas ujian
  • Reprimand: teguran, kritik keras

The faculty responded by reporting the names of the students who were caught cheating. The evidence against them was overwhelming, with several crib sheets submitted as proof of their wrongdoing.

Mr Dorsey’s unrelenting campaign against cheating was showing results. The students were beginning to understand the seriousness of their actions, and the prevalence of cheating was starting to decrease. His hardline approach was making a positive impact, creating a culture of honesty and integrity within the school.

The principal’s efforts to curb cheating were commendable and a testament to his commitment to ensuring that students were held accountable for their actions. This crackdown would have long-lasting effects, creating a foundation for a more honest and trustworthy educational environment for future generations.

Mr Dorsey, our new principal, is determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at our high school. He issued bulletins and began admonishing those teachers who did not proctor alertly. Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits. Several crib sheets were turned in as tangible evidence of the cheating. Mr Dorsey’s inexorable campaign against the wrong-doers seemed to be paying off.

  • To curb: mengendalikan, mengekang
  • Commendable: patut diacungi jempol, layak diapresiasi
  • Testament: bukti, tanda
  • Accountable: bertanggung jawab, dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
  • Crackdown: penindakan tegas, tindakan keras
  • Long-lasting effects: efek jangka panjang, dampak yang berlangsung lama
  • Trustworthy: dapat dipercaya, dapat diandalkan
  • Flagrant: mencolok, terang-terangan
  • Admonish: menegur, memberi peringatan
  • Proctor: pengawas, pengawas ujian
  • Alertly: dengan sigap, dengan waspada
  • Under duress: di bawah tekanan, dipaksa
  • Culprits: pelaku kejahatan, orang yang bersalah
  • Crib sheets: contekan, catatan curang
  • Be turned in: diserahkan, diserahkan kepada pihak berwenang
  • Tangible: nyata, dapat dirasakan
  • Evidence: bukti, barang bukti
  • Inexorable: tak terelakkan, tidak dapat dihindari
  • Wrong-doers: pelaku kejahatan, orang yang melakukan kesalahan
  • To be paying off: sedang berhasil, sedang memberikan hasil yang baik

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