
“Crucify” is a verb that originates from the Latin word “crucifigere,” meaning “to fasten to a cross.” In its literal sense, it refers to the act of putting someone to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, historically a form of execution. Figuratively, the term is often used to express severe criticism, harsh treatment, or relentless condemnation.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The historical accounts detail how prisoners were crucified as a form of punishment in ancient civilizations.
  2. The religious leader’s teachings ultimately led to him being crucified for heresy.
  3. The accused criminal faced the grim fate of being crucified for his heinous crimes.
  4. Metaphorically speaking, the artist felt as if the art critics were trying to crucify his innovative work.
  5. In the political arena, opponents often attempt to crucify their rivals through smear campaigns.
  6. The social media backlash threatened to crucify the celebrity for their controversial remarks.
  7. The whistleblower feared that exposing the truth would result in the powerful attempting to crucify their reputation.
  8. The journalist was brave enough to report on corruption, despite knowing it might lead to attempts to crucify her character.
  9. The unpopular decision made by the CEO had the potential to crucify the company’s stock value.
  10. The controversial policy proposal threatened to crucify the politician’s chances of reelection.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Execute: Menjalankan hukuman mati
  • Impale: Menancapkan
  • Punish severely: Menghukum dengan keras
  • Condemn: Mengutuk
  • Castigate: Menyiksa
  • Blame harshly: Menyalahkan dengan keras
  • Lambaste: Memarahi
  • Censure: Menyatakan tidak setuju
  • Reproach: Menegur
  • Chastise: Menyiksa

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Praise: Pujian
  • Acquit: Membebaskan
  • Commend: Memuji
  • Absolve: Membebaskan dari dosa
  • Exonerate: Membebaskan dari tuduhan
  • Applaud: Tepuk tangan
  • Honor: Menghormati
  • Laud: Memuliakan
  • Uphold: Menjaga
  • Extol: Memuji-muji

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Crucifixion: Penyaliban
  • Crucifier: Penyalib
  • Crucified: Tersalib
  • Crucifying: Menyiksa

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Punishment: Hukuman
  • Execution: Eksekusi
  • Persecution: Penindasan
  • Oppression: Penindasan
  • Martyrdom: Kematian syahid

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Attempt to crucify: Berusaha menyiksa
  • Threaten to crucify: Mengancam untuk menyiksa
  • Allegations to crucify: Tuduhan untuk menyiksa
  • Campaign to crucify: Kampanye untuk menyiksa
  • Conspire to crucify: Bersekongkol untuk menyiksa

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Crucify in the media: Menyiksa di media
  • Attempt to crucify someone’s reputation: Berusaha menyiksa reputasi seseorang
  • Threaten to crucify someone’s career: Mengancam untuk menyiksa karier seseorang
  • Allegations designed to crucify: Tuduhan yang dirancang untuk menyiksa
  • Campaign to crucify a public figure: Kampanye untuk menyiksa tokoh masyarakat

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Throw someone to the wolves: Menghempaskan seseorang kepada musuh
  • Hang out to dry: Meninggalkan seseorang tanpa dukungan
  • Put someone through the wringer: Menyiksa seseorang secara emosional
  • Feed someone to the lions: Memberikan seseorang kepada kejamnya dunia
  • Burn at the stake: Membakar hidup-hidup

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